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Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
Sailor Yue-chan:
--- Quote from: Elizabeth Swan on July 03 2006, 11:56 am ---Same here. I just know :shifty:
Also, When I lying in bed, I know two things
One, my alarm will go off soon :(
two, i'm late :sweatdrop:
--- End quote ---
ive had dreams like that with my old alarm clock. i dream that sometihng sets it off, and when i awak, someone in my head said "ooops. sorry" or something similar. id O_o
wow..i was just readng through this topic..interesting. Powers... hmm? well i believe in mom used to have many premonitions about othe people...when she was 10 she had a dream her cousin would die and within a week...her aunts found her cousin's body lying on the ground....dead....for a while some of her family even feared her...but that stopped...
...i think PSI-wise...people are all gifted....maybe in some way each person is extrasensory perceptionally talented
--- Quote from: SailorYue-chan on June 17 2006, 02:56 pm ---heh, theres a couple things i forgot(cant expect ne to remeber ALL at once :sweatdrop:
When playing a CD on my CD player 9 times out of 10, i KNOW what the next song will be when playing it on randome/skip
this only works with my CD player tho. forsome reason i cant do it with my MP3 player. proably cuz its TOO randome.
also this may be about my instincts, but somethings jsut COME to me, like i KNOW something will happen. For instance, in latin 4 AP, we had this secret santa thing. when i pulled the name that will be my person, it came to me that my latin teacher was my secret santa. now that is something that youd WANT to happene (when he buys a present for something, he goes ALL OUT) i just KNEW it was him, but i didnt want my hopes to be high, so instead of thinking of what he could get me, i used my negating powers to "fool myself" into thinking he wasnt. in the end he was, and he bought me a WHOLE LOT of harry potter junk. :D
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the music part happened to me too....i put my laptop on shuffle and was lying on my bed reading..then in an instant i suddenly knew what the next song was going to it played like an echo effect in my head....there was this other time when i had a dream my friend, tori was going to sprain her ankle and end up in a cast.....and the next day she was walking on crutches...
...sometimes..i think i can tell EXACTLY how a person is if they are talking to me...i doesn't matter WHAT they are saying...i kinda just hear their voice..and i know if they are lying..or trying to be nice...or assuming somthing about me without saying so...
i guess you really got me going on this power stuff... :heh:
ever since i was little....i can jump out of the way of a target..ok like people used to always throw balls at me as a prank...and even when i didn't pay attention.....when it was right about to hit me i would move....just my body knew what was coming but my mind didn't.....othertimes..i can tell when a person is going to be in when i knew something bad was about to happen to my sister.....
there's this other thing too...but i cant remember ah..well...
i hope this wasn't to long winded :sweatdrop:
oh wait...there are times when i suddenly KNOW something...out nowhere...and i shoot out an answer or figure out something..with such great certainty...i dont even know where it came from.....but i can FEEL that i am absolutley right about whatever just came too...
gahh...this is sounding so weird...sorry... :XD:
I see ghost, and I hardly tell people about my ability/curse, but since this is here, why not.....
What I see are people who do not know they died, or have died a violent death, I have one in my laundary room, his name is Hank, I'm not going into detail on how I found out about him....just some old gold miner.....
So do I beleive in phycics, yes, but not the people on TV, like the John Edward guy, or whatever zipzadoda wana be a phycic is on, because for one thing, real ghost seerers, phycics or what ever other powers maybe, do not like to be known, and wish to live normal life, which is easy unless the ghost wants to have fun, in turn scarring people, but over all, they wont hurt you, and if they won't leave you alone, tell them to go away.
Pundelums, in my oppion are nice decorations, and do nothing, EVP won't do, I see them, I dont want to hear them too, weigi board, or what ever its called, I would never do as well, if you want something bad to happen, I say stay away.
Who I feel sorry for are those with Postcognition, seeing the past and not being able to do anything, and Precognition, seeing the future, still trying to change it, but the events will still happen because no one will beleive them.
Over all, people who don't know or think they don't have an abilty, has an abilty, most people have is ESP, where one person talks to another with out voice but with the mind, or a 30 sec or more, could say a day or two precognition ability in a dream state, but is forgotten sometimes. So what I consider is normal for people to have an abilty, flying may not be one of them, but it is what your mental mind makes it.
If anyone would like, I could post more on the subject at hand..
well..... i do believe in powers and sometimes i fell like i am using them. for example i know what people going to say and dream of what is going to happen......
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