General Discussions > Anything goes...

Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?

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As many of the old-timers here may know (since I talked about it before) I do have the ability to sense things out of the ordinary. This ability comes from my mother's side of the family. It's also this selfsame ability that allows me not to be cursed or hexed for those who try will have it boomerang against them. This comes from my aunt's side of the family. The drawback is I cannot curse or hex anyone without its effects coming back on me hundredfold.

My aunt and a co-worker at her store told me a story. Someone really got under her skin so bad that she gave out a curse. On the way out of the store, the person fell down and broke his leg. Then a few minutes later, without warning, several of the store's ceiling lights exploded without any explanation...but I already know the reason why...

Yes, don't be too afarid, you do have people around who know this stuff,

Thanks guys! You make me feel good, even though right now i have a very bad feeling........  :dodge: * trying not to think negative

thoughts*   And now i even have have a name for it!   :keke:

Not being able to be cursed/hexed/jinxed normally menas you have awesome physic abliity, wether conscious or subconscious. Congarts Arcademan :D :D :D

And Airkitty. always be positive. Our reality reflects what we are thinking, or feeling XD


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