AuthorTopic: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?  (Read 15530 times)

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Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« on: June 09 2006, 11:26 am »
Umm.. i know this is wierd but... do you : points to topic:? Cause i'm not that sure, i mean since know one knows me for real here i guess i can tell you.....
          :confused2: Some times i can like KNOW what people are saying.... without them saying it.  :confused3: Like their thoughts. And sometimes........ I know when things are going ot happen. : backs away slowly: 
                 :confused:  Sorry if i'm being weird.   :silent:
~Regular occurences at my School~
Friend:" You do know that your not sopposed to read magna for your reading list?"
Me: " Um.... um.... yea, but what they don't know can't hurt them!"
    Art teacher(with german/french accent)" NO!!! No Anime eyes! I hate them! Make recular eyes on your kite!"
Me: Grumble....Grumble.... Art Teach:" What was that!?" Me: "Nothing..."
        ~ When kite is done~
Friend:" thats anime eyes on your kite, Kelley." Me: " You know that, I know that, But she doesn't!"
 ~ this happens alot at my school~

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #1 on: June 09 2006, 12:54 pm »
Awww don't feel weird love  :XD:, I believe people can have psychic powers. I definitely believe in clairvoyancy and empathy and projecting, I believe strongly in the power of human will and the almost eerie astuteness of the human brain so sometimes it can seem like someone is psychic.  :okay: I know sometimes I can guess or "know" when things are going to happen before they do, but I think most of that is merely my brain picking up signals and being an accurate guesser. So, who knows? Anyone else?

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #2 on: June 09 2006, 07:29 pm »
its not something scary.  It happen to be that your unconscious mind is good enough to understand and pick up sensible/important  information around your environment.  As a result, you in a awake state able to understand what people been thinking, given the data what your unconscious mind have gathered.  Did i complicate the thing?
however, i do believe in psychic power and the like ( paranormal psychology).  Our brain/mind still hides a lots of mystery.

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #3 on: June 11 2006, 10:25 am »
Hmmmm. I don't really believe in psychics, but I know some people with very good foresight.... Kind of spooky and cool at the same time, actually. :P
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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #4 on: June 11 2006, 10:49 am »
I beleive in powers, because I have them

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #5 on: June 12 2006, 05:36 pm »
I'm not sure about phycics, but i believe the power of the mind is something special. 'Mind of Matter' is one of my favourite sayings that with just mind power, can help you over come unbearable odds and can create phycic phenomena.

But I sometimes fantasise about having powers like characters from dragon ball ^^  :heh: :tongue3:

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #6 on: June 12 2006, 06:25 pm »
I second that C3d, I would love DBZ powers :3
Flying about helping people out with your abilities. Perfect!

and I'm not sure I know what phycics are.. are they anything like psychics? or physics?
but I probably do believe in them. I believe in all kinds of stuff, Ghosts, Telapathy, Aliens.. etc
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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #7 on: June 12 2006, 06:56 pm »
Walking around campus lights go out around me, i would like to think thats power :)

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #8 on: June 12 2006, 07:18 pm »
Interesting. If anyone wants to learn more, add me to MSN Messenger: I have studied this phenonom for the last few years, and am willing to help anyone develop abilities if they so desire, as long as they are not narrow minded, and want to learn. I am more than willing to help.

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #9 on: June 12 2006, 07:29 pm »
lol its just coinsedence ^^ *just then lights go out * XD uh oo.....

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #10 on: June 12 2006, 07:45 pm »
When you have had somebody fully immoilise you with only one word, then feel free to judge my beleifs. Otherwise, there is much to learn my friends.

Offline AirKitty

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #11 on: June 13 2006, 06:59 am »
Wow... its great hearing every one's oppinion! i do sorta believe in things like this as i said earlier, but sometimes its obvious when people are fakes like fortune tellers. Weird things happen all the time. Like this one time out of many my friend ( or was it me?i have no idea  :confused:) did this freaky thing wiht the ball on accident. It just like.... moved by itself against the wind, on flat ground, moved toward us and into our hands. freaky........ :dodge:

I'm not sure about phycics, but i believe the power of the mind is something special. 'Mind of Matter' is one of my favourite sayings that with just mind power, can help you over come unbearable odds and can create phycic phenomena.

But I sometimes fantasise about having powers like characters from dragon ball ^^ :heh: :tongue3:

oh and sorry about that, that was a spelling mistake hehe.... :sweatdrop:
~Regular occurences at my School~
Friend:" You do know that your not sopposed to read magna for your reading list?"
Me: " Um.... um.... yea, but what they don't know can't hurt them!"
    Art teacher(with german/french accent)" NO!!! No Anime eyes! I hate them! Make recular eyes on your kite!"
Me: Grumble....Grumble.... Art Teach:" What was that!?" Me: "Nothing..."
        ~ When kite is done~
Friend:" thats anime eyes on your kite, Kelley." Me: " You know that, I know that, But she doesn't!"
 ~ this happens alot at my school~

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #12 on: June 13 2006, 08:02 pm »
Wow... its great hearing every one's oppinion! i do sorta believe in things like this as i said earlier, but sometimes its obvious when people are fakes like fortune tellers. Weird things happen all the time. Like this one time out of many my friend ( or was it me?i have no idea :confused:) did this freaky thing wiht the ball on accident. It just like.... moved by itself against the wind, on flat ground, moved toward us and into our hands. freaky........ :dodge:

This reminds me xxxholic.  There is one particular episode about fake fortune teller.

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #13 on: June 13 2006, 08:06 pm »
ha lol. everything is only as realy as you are willing to accept!

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #14 on: June 13 2006, 08:55 pm »
To some extend I do believe, yes, mainly since a close relative of mine manages to do unexplained stuff (such as knowing who is going to call or visit minutes before they do, or know other things she isn't supossed to know) alittle too often for it to be chance. But I also think that someday, we will understand why these things happen, or at least that there is an explination, only that we may never find it. That may very well be wistful thinking - some things in this world can mayhaps never be understood, but I hope otherwise. How else will I ever manage to become all-knowing? :icon_scratch: Heh.

I had this theory about thelepaty and similiar talents, but I'm no professor so I don't know how valid it is. No one has ever told me it's impossible, so until they do... I was thinking that, since our cells communicate via electric signals, the human body may be surrounded by a faint, faint electrical field, yet undetectable for our tools. Although many of the so-called psycics out there are most likely frauds, there might be people who somehow can detect these tiny waves - maybe that can explain "auras".

Well, if there is an explination to these things, I sure hope I will live to see it.
« Last Edit: June 13 2006, 09:35 pm by Ando »
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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #15 on: June 13 2006, 09:02 pm »
Most of what you are sying is true. And a tool was developed, by accident, to view auras, nearly 100 years ago. it has produced amazing results. And yes, most physics are fruads, only wanting money. I hate those scum!

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #16 on: June 13 2006, 09:14 pm »
i have psycic powers too.
+ i sometimes have premoniotions, tho some are harder to interpret or turn out symbolized in what i dream (heh, like this one time i fell asleep in health class and dreamt the firealrm was going off, but it was playing "monster mash" and everyone was conga-ing out the door...i woke with a start and BAM, the real firealarm goes off.  :surprised:)
+i have a " :confused2:prevention power" IE sometimes, if i think about something, it wont happen. freakest time: my mom came down to lock a door, and i was on the laptop, even tho i wasnt alowed to. she was standing RIGHT NEXT to it, and didnt even notice i had it :confused2:
+i can scry, but i rarely do it (especialy after that part in xxxholic) i have this silver bullet neclace (it only looks like it) its my good luck charm, but ONLY if i wearit the right way (dont ask) anyways, if i ask a yes or no question while having it hang loosly, it will either spin or swing.  spin (move in a circular motion) means yes, or Girl and swing means no, or Boy. but still, i only ask yes or no questions. i dont want to wake up andy spirits. (yes, i beleve in ghsts too, as ive seen one)
+i can also read cards, but only 75% of the time, which im sure has decreased by now.
+oh, i dont know if this counts, but when i was younger, if i were to go to a clover patch, i would end up finding DOZENS of 4 leaf clovers. i havent clover hunted since i graduated 3 years ago, but still, that was always cool to fill my books with clovers of all sizes :)
+also, i use empathy in textx of IMs and posts, IE i can basicakly sense a tone in someones psts straight off. like this one person who IMed me, i kept getting a "depressed, monotonal" 'hello' frm him, also, along with the empathy, i can aproximate peoples ages 80% of the time.
+and lastly i can sense auras, . i can tell if someone is near, and guess who it might be.
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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #17 on: June 15 2006, 01:50 pm »
Pendulem use, empathy, psi, very good

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #18 on: June 15 2006, 09:16 pm »
I was thinking about ghosts. Again, I don't know what to think, and again, due to unexplainable events surrounding people close to me I am prone to thinking that they might excist. Maybe, perhaps. You who are not in doubt of their excistence, what do you think it takes to make a ghost? Does it mean that there is such a thing as a soul? Will everybody become a ghost after they die, or just certain people? If the latter, do you have to have some unfinished business or be very evil in order to become one? How long does one have to be a ghost, and where do you go when you cease to be one? Etcetera.

i can scry, but i rarely do it (especialy after that part in xxxholic) i have this silver bullet neclace (it only looks like it) its my good luck charm, but ONLY if i wearit the right way (dont ask) anyways, if i ask a yes or no question while having it hang loosly, it will either spin or swing. spin (move in a circular motion) means yes, or Girl and swing means no, or Boy. but still, i only ask yes or no questions.

I must say I am sceptical when it comes down to pendulums. When you want it to swing and concentrate really hard on it, your body reacts with tiny, tiny movements, undetectable for the eye, which makes the pendulum swing the desired way - even if you don't concentrate on any particular way, it is still nearly impossible to hold your hand perfectly still, and the pendulum will start showing tendencies to show either way. When you detect this, you will most likely go "Alright! it's working! C'mon, swing!". Enter tiny movements and so it goes.

And a tool was developed, by accident, to view auras, nearly 100 years ago. it has produced amazing results.

Really? Where can I read about it?
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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #19 on: June 15 2006, 11:53 pm »
oh yes! because i wish i have them! :haha:

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