i have psycic powers too.
+ i sometimes have premoniotions, tho some are harder to interpret or turn out symbolized in what i dream (heh, like this one time i fell asleep in health class and dreamt the firealrm was going off, but it was playing "monster mash" and everyone was conga-ing out the door...i woke with a start and BAM, the real firealarm goes off.

+i have a " :confused2:prevention power" IE sometimes, if i think about something, it wont happen. freakest time: my mom came down to lock a door, and i was on the laptop, even tho i wasnt alowed to. she was standing RIGHT NEXT to it, and didnt even notice i had it

+i can scry, but i rarely do it (especialy after that part in xxxholic) i have this silver bullet neclace (it only looks like it) its my good luck charm, but ONLY if i wearit the right way (dont ask) anyways, if i ask a yes or no question while having it hang loosly, it will either spin or swing. spin (move in a circular motion) means yes, or Girl and swing means no, or Boy. but still, i only ask yes or no questions. i dont want to wake up andy spirits. (yes, i beleve in ghsts too, as ive seen one)
+i can also read cards, but only 75% of the time, which im sure has decreased by now.
+oh, i dont know if this counts, but when i was younger, if i were to go to a clover patch, i would end up finding DOZENS of 4 leaf clovers. i havent clover hunted since i graduated 3 years ago, but still, that was always cool to fill my books with clovers of all sizes

+also, i use empathy in textx of IMs and posts, IE i can basicakly sense a tone in someones psts straight off. like this one person who IMed me, i kept getting a "depressed, monotonal" 'hello' frm him, also, along with the empathy, i can aproximate peoples ages 80% of the time.
+and lastly i can sense auras, . i can tell if someone is near, and guess who it might be.