CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2
[TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War
--- Quote from: Kuro-puppy on June 22 2006, 05:10 pm ---just watched the raw, the Kuro VS Syao battle was awesome, special effects have greatly improved since Kuro's last swordfight back in ep 24.
overall i'm impressed with this world (i don't read the manga so i don't know what they cut out) i hope bee train can maintain this level of quality and that they for godsake quit with the fillers!!!!
i really hope they don't miss out on that...
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arigato !!! :noteworthy: :noteworthy:
--- Quote from: Meowzy on June 22 2006, 11:07 pm ---What's episode 36 called then? Is that part of the Shurano arc too? Or a filler? O_o
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i wanna know too.......*puppy eyes*
Sailor Yue-chan:
--- Quote from: Meowzy on June 22 2006, 11:07 pm ---What's episode 36 called then? Is that part of the Shurano arc too? Or a filler? O_o
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"Love that trancendes time" acording to ANN. (i like wiki's better tho. "Feelings that surpass ime" ANN's a rippoff the Inuyasha movie :P)
--- Quote from: Kuro-puppy on June 22 2006, 07:13 pm ---that rocky thingy floating in the sky....i think i saw it in Magic Knight Rayearth episode 19 and 20 too ^^
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Now that you mention it, the Moon Castle does look kind of like Cephiro's floating mountain. It's a lot smaller than the mountain, though. ...Unless there's some other flying structure in Magic Knight Rayearth with that appearence and I'm forgetting about it.
--- Quote from: Capella on June 23 2006, 07:14 am ---Now that you mention it, the Moon Castle does look kind of like Cephiro's floating mountain. It's a lot smaller than the mountain, though. ...Unless there's some other flying structure in Magic Knight Rayearth with that appearence and I'm forgetting about it.
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the rock thing that Emeraude is imprisoned in.....i'll dig up some screenshots to be sure
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