CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War

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I have to say that this episode was at least a lot better than the last two. It wasn't great and the characters still looked weird and awkwardly drawn (Kurogane especially, he looked like an old man the whole time), but it was alright. I really don't like the lipstick on Ashura.

Kuropon's attacks looked really sugoi though, especially the last one (I think it was something like tenba kuryuusen, but I don't know).

Also, the smooth Jazz version of a Song of Storm and Fire kinda made me laugh  :keke:

There's a jazz version for Song of Storm and Fire? Ooooh, I can't wait to hear it! But I'm still downloading... V_V


--- Quote from: Meowzy on June 18 2006, 06:57 pm ---There's a jazz version for Song of Storm and Fire? Ooooh, I can't wait to hear it! But I'm still downloading... V_V

--- End quote ---

Hahaha, it's kinda funny. It's not really jazzy as much as saxophone-d out XD

Yeah, this episode seemed alot better than the previous few.
They kept most of the stuff from the manga, in as far as I can tell, and the characters were a bit better drawn (I think they always look better in the darker/nighttime episodes) although Sakura looked a little.. off now and then, Kuro did look a bit too old in some bits, and Fai had that sorta.. evil grin near the beginning that was sort of strange.. But anyway, I think this is my favourite of this series so far.
I loved Fai and Kurogane's eyes XD They made Kuro look sweet~

Raw's out, posted by Kuromori-san on tsubasarc.


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