AuthorTopic: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War  (Read 38302 times)

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War
« Reply #20 on: June 19 2006, 11:45 pm »
Ashura DID look feminine, but he's sort of supposed to- I mean, they never established a gender for him/her in RG Veda and he/she does look femmy in the manga and in the character guide there's a picture of him/her that DEFINITLEY has boobs. And that's not just me seeing thinga, because he/she is naked, and it's quite clear. So femmy Ashura is fine.

Wait, WHAT? They did establish a gender for Ashura in RG Veda - or rather, it was made very clear that Ashura was genderless. Thus, Ashura + breasts does not compute. Is this the Tsubasa character guide you're talking about?
Sorry for the OT. The torrent's not working for me either, so I can't comment on the episode.
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War
« Reply #21 on: June 20 2006, 02:49 am »
The raw for this episode is up on YouTube here, for those who are having trouble with the torrent. I have to say, the animation was better in this episode that in last episode. It was cool seeing Kurogane and Fai in Yasha Clan mode too. ^_^ I so want to know what the heck happened between the two of them while they were separated from the others. And Yasha making emo googly eyes at Ashura... *snif* XD They are such a cute couple, and I'm so glad that they aren't nearly as creepy a couple in TRC as they were in RG Veda.
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War
« Reply #22 on: June 20 2006, 04:26 am »
Yeah, in the character guide. I'd scan it if my cat hadn't pissed on it. Stupid beast. So if they have shots of flat-chested Ashura in the episode, and he's female in the character guide, and genderless inRG Veda...
....Maybe he's a were-woman, and grows boobs on the night of the full moon. DX Hell if I know. Thanks for the link, Jeanette!
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War
« Reply #23 on: June 20 2006, 06:36 am »
Yes, thank you for the link, Jeannette.

Not having watched any other part of the anime (I'm just watching this part for Yasha and Ashura), I can't really say how it compares...Lots of the animation looks really lazy, though. Bee Train is capable of some very pretty animation, so that makes it worse, I think. The fighting looked good, though, and the jazzy Song of Storm and Fire was nice. I didn't think Ashura looked too feminine most of the time (maybe a bit in the beginning). I liked his/her voice - does anyone know who that was?

And Yasha making emo googly eyes at Ashura... *snif* XD They are such a cute couple, and I'm so glad that they aren't nearly as creepy a couple in TRC as they were in RG Veda.
Mm, I agree. Though I don't think they're that creepy in RG Veda - the situation is sort of creepy, but they just...aren't creepy people. If that made any sense. How long did they spend staring at each other at the end, anyway? I found it rather amusing.

....Maybe he's a were-woman, and grows boobs on the night of the full moon.
Hahaha, maybe that's it. Now I have to get a look at the character guide...
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War
« Reply #24 on: June 20 2006, 06:50 am »
were-woman. heheh... That does kinda fit.

Syaoran: Oh look, it's a full moon!
Ashura: Ah! Excuse me for a second...
*Ashura flees from the room*
*long silence*
*evil roaring can be heard from the hallway*
Syaoran: O__O
Ashura's voice from the hallway: EEEEK! My dress tore apart!
Syaoran: Uhm... I don't think I wanna know. ^^'

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War
« Reply #25 on: June 20 2006, 07:37 am »
I loved their warrior costumes!
Fay and his arrows... he reminds me of Legolas from Lord of the Rings! teehee!

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War
« Reply #26 on: June 20 2006, 08:07 am »
I agree with the others that Kuro's attacks were cool. ^_^  I noticed the animation looked a little odd sometimes though. It was mostly the beginning of the episode though. But I liked this episode though.  :keke:

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War
« Reply #27 on: June 20 2006, 08:21 am »
i think the best part of the ep was kuro and syaos sword fight. very action-y XD
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War
« Reply #28 on: June 20 2006, 10:16 am »
Ashura sounded like Ogata Megumi (played Haruka in Sailor Moon and Yukito in CCS etc) although if it was then why didn't they use her for Yukito?

Voices can sound very alike though, so it probably wasn't her (although she would have been the perfect choice-she's played men, women, androgynos people...perfect for Ashura).

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War
« Reply #29 on: June 20 2006, 12:51 pm »
There's also a picture of Ashura with boobs in the manga.  It's a splash page or something (it was in color that's for sure) with Ashura with breasts lying down and Yasha kinda hovering over him.  I can't narrow down the volume for everyone though since I've already deleted that series from my computer but I *think* it was around volumes 6 or 7 (I could be way off though since I read all the volumes in two days).

CLAMP was just messing around though, his actual design is boob-less and gender-less.
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War
« Reply #30 on: June 20 2006, 01:10 pm »
In the RG Veda manga, you mean? Strange, I've never seen anything like that. Hm. I suppose not all of the color pages can be found online, so I'll have to wait to see the later volumes (I can find only text-only translations). I've seen a picture of Yasha and Ashura that fits that description, but without the breasts. Huh.

If Ogata Megumi were in Tsubasa, that would be awesome. I love Ogata Megumi. Ashura's voice does sound kind of like her, but it's probably someone else. Too much hope for, I think.
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War
« Reply #31 on: June 20 2006, 01:25 pm »
Syaoran: Oh look, it's a full moon!
Ashura: Ah! Excuse me for a second...
*Ashura flees from the room*
*long silence*
*evil roaring can be heard from the hallway*
Syaoran: O__O
Ashura's voice from the hallway: EEEEK! My dress tore apart!
Syaoran: Uhm... I don't think I wanna know. ^^'
Lol Ranma 1/2 moment,

Yay for a less  creepy YashaxAshura, if CLAMP insists on putting them together its better off this way.

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War
« Reply #32 on: June 20 2006, 03:15 pm »
In the RG Veda manga, you mean?

Oops.  Yeah I meant the RG Veda manga.
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War
« Reply #33 on: June 20 2006, 04:11 pm »
ep 37 is i think a...MOKNA centric episode?? O.o can someone tell me what "Oekaki" means? i need it for my guide
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War
« Reply #34 on: June 22 2006, 03:43 am »
Ok episode
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The beinning was kinda weird, when Sakura collapses I would have expected Syaoran to have caught her. But he just kinda watches he collapse. ^^; then he's like 'Oh priness!' LOL it was kinda funny in a way XD

The rest was ok, though I wish they wouldn't rush everything so much. They lack really cute and essential details from the manga, facial expressions, events... its so damn annoying
Facial expressions especially. Please give Syaoran blush lines like in the manga... thats one thing they never do!

NO SAKE DRINKING! gawd Beetrain... ¬_____¬

Ashura looked pretty cool most of the time... I liked his/her eyes looking like cat ones at one point. that was cool ^_^

Syaoran and Kuro battle. I enjoyed that ^_^ bee train did an ok job. and a jazzy version of a song of storm and fire XDD lol

In general I was quite happy, but, about next week...
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War
« Reply #35 on: June 22 2006, 10:31 am »
Watched some of the raw on youtube. What have they done to Ashura-sama's ears! *sulks in corner* They're HUGE! Not elegant at all!

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War
« Reply #36 on: June 22 2006, 05:10 pm »
just watched the raw, the Kuro VS Syao battle was awesome, special effects have greatly improved since Kuro's last swordfight back in ep 24.

overall i'm impressed with this world (i don't read the manga so i don't know what they cut out) i hope bee train can maintain this level of quality and that they for godsake quit with the fillers!!!!

In general I was quite happy, but, about next week...
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i really hope they don't miss out on that...
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War
« Reply #37 on: June 22 2006, 06:23 pm »
episode 37 is going to be a filler. its called "Scribble Mokona" (its a literal tansltion. its clled "Oekaki mokona" its clearly a mokona centric episode. what on earth can they make a 24min ep about a white manjuu bun??? O_o;;;
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War
« Reply #38 on: June 22 2006, 07:13 pm »
that rocky thingy floating in the sky....i think i saw it in Magic Knight Rayearth episode 19 and 20 too ^^

and i added episode 34 RAW for direct download:
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 8: The Never-ending War
« Reply #39 on: June 22 2006, 11:07 pm »
What's episode 36 called then? Is that part of the Shurano arc too? Or a filler? O_o

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