I've seen all 78 eps, and read a few snippets of the novels. I love it.
Yuuri is my favorite character, followed by Wolfram. I actually can't stand Conrad for a variety of reasons, though I started to not hate him as much near the end. I'm a Yuuri x Wolfram shipper, but I can understand Conrad x Yuuri. To me, after seeing it, those are the only two pairings that make any sense. I absolutely HATE KKM fanfic where they turn Wolfram into a **** and have him screwed by everyone. It makes me sad because he's a great character, and a lot of fanfic writers ruin his characterization for the sake of smut.
I've written fanfics for Yuuram with Kuromori, actually. Apparently people liked them a lot. She's written one on her own, too. "Broken Dreams" is Kuromori's, and we've written "Harvest Festival" and "Blood Boundaries" together.

So if anyone read those, that was us.