CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Live Evil is no longer subbing Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
I guess I'll get more YGO trans then...
*cant be emo, too blonde* lol
Oh & I didnt make this but I thought it was funny. Lucky this happened now and not earlier this month or everyone here would have balck eyes o.x
^i know a guy who has a hair cut exactly like one of them ^^;;
anyways, i'd like to join the emo group too
Ying Hua:
--- Quote from: Kai Mizuki on June 19 2006, 03:12 pm ---anyways, i'd like to join the emo group too
--- End quote ---
;__; I feel so sad... I guess that's what emo means... >.< I don't wanna stick with Animax's dubs! I hope they find a translator soon, I don't think I want to stcik with YGO either... I didn't have a choice but to download YGO's ep 32...
*hugs new chibi Saku and Syao figurines for comfort and joins the emo group as well, even though she's not sure what emo means*
(starts swinging HFS)
Whoever's going to do Tsubasa must not disappoint us this time XD. I'll wait, as patiently as I can....
Ying Hua:
*joins in waiting* But I wanna see ep 33 subbed! >.< *crosses fingers and prays for the best*
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