AuthorTopic: Chapter 120  (Read 150267 times)

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Re: Chapter 120
« Reply #540 on: June 23 2006, 10:05 pm »
I'm with you on that!  Haha...  As long as everything is fine at the end between both S+S, no worries then.   That "eye" has to return to a Syaoran in order for that "event" from the very first book to happen with both Syaoran and Sakura locked up in that tube (and FWR is about to get his wings?).     ^_^    Reminds me of that quote from the last chapitre: "Even if this body should meet its end; these feelings alone remain in a corner of the world".    Now, which corner would CLAMP be hinting at, eh?  ^_0

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Re: Chapter 120
« Reply #541 on: June 23 2006, 10:12 pm »
Hmm, dunno about the corner. Gee, I'm getting confused with my every post here.

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Re: Chapter 120
« Reply #542 on: June 23 2006, 10:25 pm »
On the topic of Seishirou, he probably could tell that Syaoran was a clone. Kamui and Ashura figured it out during the short time they each spent with him, so Seishirou most likely knew as well. I doubt that impacts anything, though. I wonder if Yukito could tell, though...he has powerful magic. If so, did he tell anyone (like Touya)? Heck, could Clow tell? It would weird if a whole bunch of people in Clow country knew that Syaoran was clone. I can only assume that if they knew, they kept it a secret from the kids.
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Re: Chapter 120
« Reply #543 on: June 23 2006, 10:29 pm »
Oh hey, didn't Touya say near the beginning that Syaoran always gave him a weird feeling at first, although it slowly went away? Maybe that was because he 'sensed' he wasn't real or something...
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Re: Chapter 120
« Reply #544 on: June 23 2006, 11:37 pm »
Oh hey, didn't Touya say near the beginning that Syaoran always gave him a weird feeling at first, although it slowly went away? Maybe that was because he 'sensed' he wasn't real or something...
Yes. but yukito didn't notice it

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Re: Chapter 120
« Reply #545 on: June 23 2006, 11:45 pm »
I wonder why Yukito wouldn't notice? He was around clone!Syaoran for much Longer than Fai, Kamui, or Ashura, and he definitely has the magical powers necessary (someone - Fai, I think - said Yukito would have to be quite powerful in order to send two people in between worlds). Maybe he noticed something was wrong but never told anyone, or never figured out what it meant. Or he could have chosen to ignore it, not wanting to believe it for the sake of Sakura and clone!Syaoran himself. Maybe he just thought it was a non-issue. I guess Yukito could hypothetically be lacking whatever sense let the others know of Syaoran's...clone-ness, while still being quite powerful.
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Re: Chapter 120
« Reply #546 on: June 24 2006, 01:08 am »
Arigatou SailorYue-chan for clearing that up. I was confused for a while. Now I have to agree with everybody else that it seems strange that Yukito didn't sense that Syaoran wasn't real. And it makes me wonder, does Touya have magical powers as well? Much like in CCS. He could sense that something was wrong with Syaoran.

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Re: Chapter 120
« Reply #547 on: June 24 2006, 01:11 am »
yes, but if Yukito has a such power, it's extrange that Touya noticed about it. maybe, touya notice since he's the clow's bloodline as Dark syaoran

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Re: Chapter 120
« Reply #548 on: June 24 2006, 01:17 am »
OMG, I go to sleep and wake up, and the page grows by 5 pages.

Oh, I know. I am just saying it isn't hard to see why people drew the conclusion that he ate the eye.

Clone!Syaoran wasn't the same age, but he had the same appearance immediately. If you look here, from chapter 119, you can see that the clone was the same size as real!Syaoran, and we can assume that he had just been recently cloned because it was before real!Syaoran was fully sealed. I don't think Fei Wong cloned him when real!Syaoran was born and then let them both hang out for 9 or 10 years before sealing real!Syaoran....

And I remembered it wrong, but real!Syaoran is definitely a smaller child for quite a while in the tube, because in various places we see him smaller than clone!Syaoran. He started growing later though, before he opened his eyes (Yuuko says "He has awakened" and we see his eyes opening) and before he breaks out of the tube.

For example, during the Shurano/Sharano arc, we see this:
There is a size difference and real!Syaoran's face is rounder and more kid-like. He also looks the same as he does when we see in the later chapters when Fei Wong is sealing him, and he is a child there still.

Then we also have this, which I put side by side
He looks taller in the later chapters.

We know that time has passed because clone!Syaoran grew at the same rate that Sakura did, and the other characters aged at an appropriate pace in Clow as well and that throughout that time as we can see, real!Syaoran has remained the same size until recently and clone!Syaoran had grown already.

Also, even in clone!Syaoran's dreams he grew, as seen here:

So real!Syaoran used to look like a little kid until fairly recently in the Tsubasa timeline, and now they're the same size: (I really love this picture :heh:)

Phew. Anyway, I hope that clears up what I was trying to say
Yeah, your right. when the real syaoran was in the tube. He didn't grow. The spell that FWR put on him, stop him from doing anything. But as, time goes by, our syaoran grew. And as he did that, syaoran didn't. Now that syaoran is able to go into our syaoran body, he was able to grow to the same age, as syaoran is right now.

also, what are we talking about now???
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Re: Chapter 120
« Reply #549 on: June 24 2006, 01:29 am »
I think when Syaoran in the tube grew, it signified that his powers was growing and that soon he'd be able to break free. @__@ I'm just assuming.

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Re: Chapter 120
« Reply #550 on: June 24 2006, 02:01 am »
It is strange that Yuki wouldn't realize about Syaoran when Fai has known all along, unless Fai is significantly more powerful than Yuki. Maybe Yuki is a magical construction in TRC like he was in CCS, and that has something to do with it? Then again, Yuki in CCS didn't realize about all the magical stuff going on around him because he had no magical experience or knowledge, unlike TRC Yuki. Yet if TRC Yuki were a construct as well, then certainly Touya would 'feel' it, just like he 'felt' something wrong with Syaoran.

And Seishirou certainly knew that Syaoran was a clone, just like he definitely must have realized that the source of Fai's power was his eye.
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Re: Chapter 120
« Reply #551 on: June 24 2006, 03:26 am »
I wonder how this world will  be animated? BeeTrain may kill people off, but I don't see them pulling any eyes out anytime soon.........maybe a second moive for this world alone??

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Re: Chapter 120
« Reply #552 on: June 24 2006, 03:37 am »
I wonder how this world will be animated? BeeTrain may kill people off, but I don't see them pulling any eyes out anytime soon.........maybe a second moive for this world alone??
I would love it, well I wouldn't like the idea of them dying, and the eye coming out, but this world is great for spilling secrets
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Re: Chapter 120
« Reply #553 on: June 24 2006, 03:53 am »
I think when Syaoran in the tube grew, it signified that his powers was growing and that soon he'd be able to break free. @__@ I'm just assuming.

hmm... a good theory, it could be possible
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Re: Chapter 120
« Reply #554 on: June 24 2006, 03:56 am »
It is strange that Yuki wouldn't realize about Syaoran when Fai has known all along, unless Fai is significantly more powerful than Yuki. Maybe Yuki is a magical construction in TRC like he was in CCS, and that has something to do with it? Then again, Yuki in CCS didn't realize about all the magical stuff going on around him because he had no magical experience or knowledge, unlike TRC Yuki. Yet if TRC Yuki were a construct as well, then certainly Touya would 'feel' it, just like he 'felt' something wrong with Syaoran.

And Seishirou certainly knew that Syaoran was a clone, just like he definitely must have realized that the source of Fai's power was his eye.

I don't think it is the same case as in CCS for Yukito, because in TRC he is aware of magic and very skilled in using it. In CCS he wasn't aware of magic or anything else until the very end when Touya tells him. Maybe there's just a difference in his abilities or maybe he did sense something weird and didn't say anything...? I know that Fai and Yukito are different people, but maybe Yukito was similar, that even when it was brought up he didn't say anything about it (Kurogane mentions Syaoran not being himself at one point and Fai never says anything). I don't know. I just don't think that it is the same as CCS where he was created because it had a lot to do with magic and a lack of it, and since he does have a lot of magic in TRC, he would probably know just within himself.

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Re: Chapter 120
« Reply #555 on: June 24 2006, 04:07 am »
It is strange that Yuki wouldn't realize about Syaoran when Fai has known all along, unless Fai is significantly more powerful than Yuki. Maybe Yuki is a magical construction in TRC like he was in CCS, and that has something to do with it? Then again, Yuki in CCS didn't realize about all the magical stuff going on around him because he had no magical experience or knowledge, unlike TRC Yuki. Yet if TRC Yuki were a construct as well, then certainly Touya would 'feel' it, just like he 'felt' something wrong with Syaoran.

That could be a posibility that Yukito has some semblence to TRC Yukito with the exception of whether they know they have magic or not.   After all, in different worlds, they may or may not be the same type of people as Yuuko once said.   Their souls/personalities are similar though.

I think Fai is the most powerful wizard in his world just like Kurogane is the most powerful ninja in his world.   Yukito's powers are probably just different to Fai's but he's still a very powerful high priest of Clow kingdom.  I mean, he predicted Sakura's and Syaoran's future.  Maybe his powers really rely on seeing the present and the future?   He can read someone's memory.   He probably tried to read Syaoran's memory in the past but can't because he's a clone.  Maybe, he has a limitation on his powers?  Also, he isn't known to "create" anything unlike Fai who was able to create Chi.    >_>       ^_^

King Touya's senses, just like his CCS self, are similar in a way.   In CCS, he can 'sense' but was never able to catch Kero-chan in the act or anything.  That was until the second CCS arc that his powers went to
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.     I would say, most people in Clow kingdom, that we know of, seem to be very close to their CCS counterparts in spirit or some sort of ability.    

Quote from: Kuro-puppy
Quote from: Cherry tiger on Today at 01:29:52 AM
I think when Syaoran in the tube grew, it signified that his powers was growing and that soon he'd be able to break free. @__@ I'm just assuming.

hmm... a good theory, it could be possible

Hmm..    To quote what Yuuko said at the beginning of the chapter: "When he gave his left eye, 'Syaoran's' magic was cut in half.  As time passed, it grew.  And that boy waited until he could break the tattoo that Fei Wong imprisoned him with.  His price was his own freedom and time".

So...     Uh...     He grew once he regained all his powers,  I suppose.   >_>    HIs "time" was restricted inside that tube.    Poor Real!Syaoran.    >_<

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Re: Chapter 120
« Reply #556 on: June 24 2006, 05:57 am »
Maybe Yukito was just too trusting and didn't see that the strange feeling from Syaoran was anything wrong.

In other news I have a coloured manga page to offer up for viewing.  I know others have probably done this already but I wanted to try colouring the last page of the chapter (I've never coloured a manga page before. )

Full size here

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Re: Chapter 120
« Reply #557 on: June 24 2006, 06:31 am »
So as to Fai keeping Clone!Syaoran sealed, is that what was going on back in Chapter 113 when we were arguing whether or not it was Fai grabbing Syao's arm?

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Re: Chapter 120
« Reply #558 on: June 24 2006, 10:19 am »
ah. i see the threads finaly calmed down ^^;;

thanks for all the comments on my summery ^_^

this came to me while thinking of a fai narative about this chapter and such...

since fai knew all along that syao wasnt real, and he's been using his magic to protect him, perhaps THATS why he wanted so badly to go along with syao to get the feather. the closer he is to syaoran, the easier it would be to project his magic.
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Re: Chapter 120
« Reply #559 on: June 24 2006, 10:30 am »
selenityshiroi that is cool, I like yours better....

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So from the Start Fai, since they've 1st met, has been sealing away the power from Sayoran, but when the seal was broken, we can thank baka Kamui for that, I love Kamui from X, but this one seems a little, ehh? to me, broke that seal because he has to wake Subaru, I love Subby in any world, causing the evil side to build up in our Sayoran.

But what I find out that really sucks, is that almost everyone with powers knew about Sayoran not being, what you call it real, and never told him, from Fei Wang Reed, no du, Clow Reed, Yukito-maybe?, Yuko, Fai, Ashura, Kakyo, and Kamui, along with Subaru, ow how could I forget Seicherou......CLAMP YOU ARE DIVING US NUTS!!!

End my ranting