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Oh, I'm sure Bee Train will animate something along the lines of Fai's eyeball glowing and floating neatly into Syaoran's hand, who will be semi-shirtless without sporting a single bit of evidence towards any actual wounds, who will then thank Fai politely for his sacrifice. Then Chi will show up and heal Fai with the power of her "love".
Eeeh Maybe not.

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Oh noes.
It's gonna be a vicious circle, no? BeeTrain screws it all up by sending Fai and Chi on a date, Clamp get angry and add a nice hunk-a violence and bloodshed in so they can point and laugh at BeeTrain 'HA! TRY ANIMATING THAT!!! And BeeTrain will stamp their feet childish and change it all, then Clamp'll get revenge...
...It's never ending.
And Meowzy_chan? You right. Sakura has a good point. XD
I already want to go and write a drabble for this...and make an icon/sig set. (<--- already done the latter in terrible MS Paint format XDD Oops. I'm not obsessing.)
Hey, I agree with Selenity. If Bee Train make Chi show up, I'll be trying to kill them as well.
In fact, Selenity? I'll bring the flamethrowers. *insert evil grin here*