CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 9: The Two Memories

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*evil snicker*
Yes... I wonder... >3


--- Quote from: Kuro-puppy on June 25 2006, 09:52 pm ---episode 35 RAW added:

this episode was love, Yasha and Ashura scenes were really beautifull and the entire episode was great......altough i wonder where Kurogane and Fai are, they must be somewhere in that world

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yeah, liked this episode ^__^

Show content SO gald they didn't cut out the kiss! Syaoran blushing! yaay! lets see more of that Bee train! please! ^___^

Animation was pretty nice all the way through too, no major complaints ^__^

Music was gorgeous! Dark Syaoran scares me more in the anime because of the background music making it dramatic! lol ^^; though I have a feeling they won't make him so violent in the anime, for some reason he scares me more when he is animated! lol ^^;


--- Quote from: Sya0ran on June 26 2006, 03:21 am ---I enjoyed this episode very much. ^_^ More so than the last one...

Show contentNo, not because of the SyaoSaku moment (though that is part of it...). I really liked the beginning when Ashura and Yasha were fighting. It showed a lot of emotion on both parts and it made me almost wanna cry. lol Oh and I must say, Yasha is fiiiiiiiiine. XD;

The animation was done better than what we recently had so I'm happy for that. ^^

I can't wait for the subbed version!! *_* I'm just so excited! Although I understood perfectly well what was going on and I could just tell (common sense really and if you've read the manga) what was going on throughout the episode. ^^

Yasha sorta reminds me of Touya except with longer hair and Ashura reminds me of Yukito except with longer hair. XD And his hair is black instead of blonde like Yukito's. Aww! OMG. It was so cuuuute seeing the scenes between them both. Especially when Ashura leaned in for a kiss in that one scene. YES! :D

The S+S kiss scene looked weird yet oddly cute at the same time. lol Oh and Syaoran didn't look as badly hurt as he did in the manga. o.O; Bee Train didn't even show a glimpse of blood...only scratches. It makes me wonder how they are gonna do/show chapter 120 in the anime...

This was absolutely, one of my favorite episodes in the anime thus far~

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I wonder the same thing.
Show contentThe latest cahpters are a complete blood bath! wtf are Bee train going to do?! ^^;

oooh.. i like that fai chibi so cute!! what d'you think wil happen in that episode? mokona turning them into chibi?


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