CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 9: The Two Memories

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--- Quote from: SailorYue-chan on July 04 2006, 04:11 am ---ne. looks like their skipping the country of idols, doesnt it?

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seems like it, too bad...i heard that it was funny in the manga :sad:


--- Quote from: Kuro-puppy on July 04 2006, 04:21 am ---seems like it, too bad...i heard that it was funny in the manga :sad:

--- End quote ---

Yeah, it was adorable and quite funny. Syaoran nearly got ritually sacrificed by a tribe of bunnies. Although now that I think of it, it wouldn't technically work in the storyline for the Country of Idols to come after the Country of Shura. Before Shura, the course of Syaoran & co.'s travels was being controlled by Fei-Wang Reed, but when Yuuko uses Ashura's wish to send them to Shura, she breaks his control over them. Fai notices (and mentions while he and Kurogane are in Shara) several suspicious and overly convient things about the Country of Idols, which originally were clues to Fei-Wang's interference in their travels. Now that they aren't being controlled, they wouldn't logically go to that country. Not that Bee-train couldn't just stick the arc in and not have Fai notice any of those things, but it would have lost its plot significance (other than the fact that there was a feather there).

It would still make a nice little one-episode arc in the place of more filler. I, like many others, don't understand the point of going through the manga arcs so fast that all that filler needs to be inserted.

I agree with you, Capella-san. Bee Train is filling too much with unnecesary episodes because they're going so fast. Now, Syaoran & co. should be in Lecourt, as in the manga, so Bee Train notices that is "crashing" against Clamp. Clamp's story isn't so fast, so bee Train has to make more and more episodes to fill the "gaps".
1 Episode = 1-3 chapters in manga.

very very fast. do you understand me?


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