General Discussions > The "What" Board

Re: What was the first thing you did today?

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Tried to get my fat cat off my face, where he had decided to sleep, so I could breathe a little -_-
Then checked the forums to find TRC spoilers! Yay!


--- Quote from: Mari on November 04 2006, 10:10 pm ---Tried to get my fat cat off my face, where he had decided to sleep, so I could breathe a little -_-

--- End quote ---

your cat was trying to kill you because you have forgotten to feed him  :haha:?

next the hoover and the removal of dust i opened my window to purify air...and so when i came on the computer my hands were too frozen to type out something on my keyboard,and since it was already time for lunchtime and that just next i had to go see my other grandmother i couldn't write something on the forum until the evening (when i think that all this adventure just started because of a hoover  :sweatdrop:)

turned on my computer  and read ekas's new kuroxfay smutty fic


--- Quote from: Tatasenko on November 05 2006, 07:50 am ---your cat was trying to kill you because you have forgotten to feed him  :haha:?

--- End quote ---

They would explain why he was eating my eyelashes :keke:

The first thing I did was look at the clock and realized I should have been at work ten minutes ago ><

Woke up, realized it was my day off, then went back to bed.


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