General Discussions > The "What" Board

Re: What was the first thing you did today?

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--- Quote from: Arcademan on November 06 2006, 04:42 am ---Woke up, realized it was my day off, then went back to bed.

--- End quote ---

it's awful to wake up for nothing  :haha:

i went to a secondhand market...not because i like that,but just because i love watching poor dealers frozen in the cold,trying to sell their useless old-fashionednesses  :hehe:

Dream..... :keke: (about some virtual game on internet!!!!!! LOL!!! :haha: )

i went to work because my holidays are over...because of the upcoming winter it is still night in the little morning,it's not really rewarding  :sweatdrop:

Printing resumes, I guess...?

Hurry to take a shower, get dressed etc. (Because I overslept... :sweatdrop:  )


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