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Re: what does your name mean?

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ok, here  is what my name means
Ashley *my real name*
Origin: English
Meaning : Ash-tree meadow.  *i'm a meadow of ash-tree*
Gender: Male *its a guy names, but now its been taking over by girls*

Joan *My middle Name*
Origin : Hebrew
Meaning: God's gracious gift.
Gender : Female

My other middle name is weird. I don't use it that much, so I don't know how to spell it. And I"m not going to ask my dad, but it is sound like this. {Ca vil}. That is not how its spelled, but that is how to say it (i think)

My user name

Ashlee, its still the same above, just spelled the way I like it

Elizabeth Swan *POTC Username*
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: My God is bountiful, God of plenty. Elizabeth was mother of John the Baptist in the bible. One of the most frequently used names in England.
Gender: Female

Alixis Zephyr - Guardian of the WInds (Greek or Russian, i have both in in my blood)

My real name is Laura, which is just a derivation of "laurel" (the plant). I don't care for it very much. I was named after Laura Ingalls Wilder, who wrote my mom's favorite children's books.

As for my screen name... Capella is the star Alpha Aurigae in the constellation Auriga, the charioteer, and the sixth brightest star in the sky. It comes from Latin, meaning "she-goat". Back when I chose the name I had an obsession with Sirius Black from Harry Potter, and due to a lot of random circumstances, I have a certain affinity with goats. I thought that since Sirius is named for the Dog Star, and is like a dog/turns into a dog, I should be named for the Goat Star. So, Capella became my screen name. I like it much more than my real name. :sweatdrop:

I dont now!!! >____< my name is maria lucia


--- Quote from: Luci-Chan~~ on July 06 2006, 03:19 am ---I dont now!!! >____< my name is maria lucia
--- End quote ---

The meaning of Maria is debated. Some of the theories I've heard are "sea of bitterness", "rebellious", "wanted child" and "beloved". Moezy-chan also listes "star of the sea". As for Lucia, it's a feminine form of the Roman name Lucius, meaning "light".


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