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Re: what does your name mean?

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My real name's "Katherine" and it could be greek for "each of the two" or Coptic for "my consecration of your name"... ummm hmmmm... i got it from a site called "behind the name". not sure if it's any help but the description does say something about my name meaning "pure"???

"Marie Laure" means "Queen of the sea" and "laurel", in Latin

I just looked up my name, Wendy, and this is the meaning I found:

Origin- Teutonic
Meaning- Fair one

but the one I most see is Wanderer.

eheheh, so do I Sokasato, or  Wendy, my name is Wanda, from Germany : wanderer and I'm quite the one ^^, my dad gave me the name


--- Quote from: Renaya on September 18 2006, 09:25 am ---eheheh, so do I Sokasato, or Wendy, my name is Wanda, from Germany : wanderer and I'm quite the one ^^, my dad gave me the name

--- End quote ---

Cool. I was named by my mom who named me after a "very nice" co-worker.


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