General Discussions > The "What" Board

Re: what does your name mean?

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Konata Izumi:
Firey  (boards name) - firey card (obvious? XD)

Elysia Silvermoon (other identity) - Segregated from 2 words:

Elysia - from the greek word, Elysium, meaning Heaven, or a state of paradise... ^^

Silvermoon - I have a unique fascination of silvery objects, and the moon, and it's because in part by yue of ccs, thus I made up silvermoon...

My RL name is June Benedict, though I kinda forgot the meaning of it... o.0

Rebecca (first) From the Hebrew name רִבְקָה (Rivqah), possibly meaning "a snare" in Hebrew, or perhaps derived from an Aramaic name.

Elizabeth (middle) From Ελισαβετ (Elisabet), the Greek form of the Hebrew name אֱלִישֶׁבַע ('Elisheva') meaning "my God is an oath" or perhaps "my God is abundance". funny isn't it? or at least ironic, because I'm not very religious...

Layne (last) this was a tough one... with deletion of the "y" it is old Gaelic for dweller of the road. DUDE I'M A HOBO!!!!!

My name is Cynthia and it's Greek and it means"Goddess of the Moon" that's all i know so far

Møon Li:
Mine is Aileen :keke: and I read before that it means "light" (irish) but that the real way of writing it, is Eibhlín and that Aileen is the pronunciation.

My real name is Melanie, which comes from the Greek (or Latin, as far as I know "melas" is the Latin word for "black") and means "the black, the dark, the dark-haired". It's the sobriquet of the Greek earth goddess Demeter.
Kjesta is a name I made up myself. I don't know how I came to "Kjesta", but I've always known it means "multicolored, glossy" and looks like a small, rainbow-colored stone. But that's my synesthesia, I think.


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