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Re: Blasted kid... (help..)

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I major in clinical psychology and based from your description i got an impression that  the kid more likely has Attention deficit Hyperactive disorder (ADHD).  Better to consult a child psychiatrist/child psychologist or pediatrican.
Don't be mad with the kid and don't ignore the behavior.  If the child has ADHD, Its the brain making him act like that.  Yelling might not help to solve the problem becuase for ADHD child, he got what he wanted which is your attention.

I agree with Takeru's idea.  reward/punishment is surely effective in behavior training.

Here is a link that might help you.

OMG, this sounds like my brother. He always like that. Trying to get attection, and will do anything to get it. but, what people said above me (I don't want to repeat it, over)

My brother acting the same way as the kid is doing. And now, he is in high school, and he has never been taught a lesson. This kid needs to be disaplen (bad speller), fast. Before he grows up, and learns that he thinks he rules the world. Because, my brother is a nightmare when he comes to it.

Your sword, omg. o_o

Kasawa Lanford:
To be honest

Another friend of mine suggested a punishment for this kid that his own family is currently using on there daughter, since she is constantly craving attention and acting like a baby (crying a lot when she doesn't get the attention) her parents put her back in diapers and now there daughter is realizing that what she is doing is actually causing more problems than good

Granted she is getting attention, but not the type she desires. (They're daughter is nine year's old)

I'm actually curious as to weather this would help but then again I don't know, as someone who has had his own parents do that to him (back when I was six years old) it was an evil punishment, but it did teach me a harsh lesson in reality (even at that age)

It might help, but convincing my brother will be difficult (shrugs)

Im not in the the mafia, or the police......ask Tails.

Im glad you got the problem sorted, and i hope yo have better luck in the future XD


--- Quote from: Alixis on July 03 2006, 07:27 pm ---Im not in the the mafia, or the police......ask Tails.

--- End quote ---
I was being sarcastic, and that's not even the point.


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