CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 10: Love That Transcends Time

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--- Quote from: Capella on July 09 2006, 05:21 am ---Wait, Show content are they really truckers? Because I had this really weird dream awhile back where Yasha, Ryuu-ou, and Syaoran were all truckers. o.O Maybe I've been having some of whatever Bee-train's on, by accident.It won't let be watch the preview, even when I downloaded the players and stuff...urgh.

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Show contentWell, if they're not truckers, they look like they're on some sort of RV road trip. And they landed in the middle of the road and had to jump out of the way of an oncomming truck-thing. So I assume the wide open road is calling them.

Show contentYou also see them inside some sort of bus.

Hahaha yeah, and Show contentSyaoran has to rope the bus/truck thing in order to get Sakura's feather back like he's in some sort of western. It always amazes me how people can lasso things so easily in movies and anime, even without ever having picked one up before. Also, the final shot of that preview where Kuro and Syaoran have their swords out completely clashes with the rest of the preview.

Good news though. The Lecourt Arc looks like it will start on Episode 15: 図書館のヒミツ
(The Library of Secrets). That means we've got fillers all the up to Episode 14! :O Way to go, Beetrain. -_-


--- Quote from: wetheril on July 09 2006, 07:57 am ---Good news though. The Lecourt Arc looks like it will start on Episode 15: 図書館のヒミツ
(The Library of Secrets). That means we've got fillers all the up to Episode 14! :O Way to go, Beetrain. -_-

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The Tsubasa anime is dead to me.


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