General Discussions > Chains Board

Re: Guessing Game...

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Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
ehehehe...nope... ^^;


Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
nope, unfortunately...

someone who's a KH fan?

im a Riku fan but not a KH fan


--- Quote from: Sapphire-Amethyst on August 05 2006, 08:58 am ---Nope-ish...


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--- Quote from: Tenkouken on August 09 2006, 08:33 pm ---Nope.

Woof-chan? XD

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--- Quote from: Elysia Silvermoon on August 09 2006, 08:48 pm ---nope.

uh... woof-chan? :lol:

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wahaha! a lot of people thought that im the next poster!

Nope, GS fan.


it's understandable that what i meant was Ashlee.. duh...

OT: now i know for sure im beginning to sound rude


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