General Discussions > Chains Board

Re: Guessing Game...

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later peharps but not now  :keke:

i'm waiting the most addicted fan of Kingdom heart of all the forum  :wink:


--- Quote from: Tatasenko on October 31 2006, 11:27 pm ---later peharps but not now :keke:

i'm waiting the most addicted fan of Kingdom heart of all the forum :wink:

--- End quote ---
I like Kingdom Hearts, but I only can play when I visit my parent's friends...they have PSP2...I only play...about 3 days at year! xDDDD

in fact i was talking about Kina,but i'm glad that you came on this topic,i miss my team mate  :wink:

Super Sailor Yue stop frightening me with your weird writing on msn and come here  :keke:

Gomen ne... I'm just Emethyst :sweatdrop:


--- Quote from: Tatasenko on October 31 2006, 11:27 pm ---I'm waiting the most addicted fan of Kingdom heart of all the forum :wink:

--- End quote ---

Definitely Kina-chan! :XD:




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