Hmm. I rather prefer him to drive a motor bike, manga Touya style, but better. Imagine him, doing risky tricks, and his messy hair blowing in the wind...HANYAN! Actually, a motorcycle matches, a very expensive one, and stylish. After all, in CCS, he's rich as heck! Imagine to think that one day when he's the Li Clan leader, he's going to OWN all of that.
But I guess it doesn't compensate for having a hard childhood. I rather live normal, than being pressured my whole life. I wish CCS put more emphasis on Syaoran, I didn't like how he wasn't in Sakura's and Eriol's level of magic, and how Yue (in the anime) insulted his abilities telling how he couldn't believe he even capture any cards with that low level of magic....well, is not like Sakura did a dandy job either, but the fact that it was actually heard to people, pisses me off a bit. I think his story is more interesting and mysterious than the rest of the characters combined, he stook out to me. CLAMP could have done a major plotline, as there are many possibilites, so many things to create from him. But alas, is Card Captor Sakura, not Card Captor Syaoran.....? O_o
Anyway, Syaoran with a motorcycle is hotness! Esepacially TRC Syao. Maybe he can ride a hot car, with sunglasses. I love it that when in the Dream card ep, with the music in the background while they go around town, a part shows him behind the others, trying on sunglasses and
checking himself out in the mirror (That was GREAT). That's right, Syao-kun! Be aware of your good looks.

Anyone in TRC people are skinny and lanky, so is not only Syaoran, is just the art style. And I don't mind him wearing pants all the time. Though in CCS, that boy had the greatest sense of style in the whole series, I just loved his boyish and perfect. XD
Syaoran-kun! *huggles avatar*
Hey, I arrived late, so don't mind my