Aww, Syaoran has lost all sanity! *cries* At least Sakura is there, ne?
Sakura: Who are you? *confused look*
fisah: I need you to make Syaoran better, as much as I don't want him to myself, YOU ARE MY OTP, so go do your Sakura magic, kay? *grins stalker like*
Sakrua: H-h-oo-e?
fisah: Perfect, I bet Syaoran will be better in a instant!
*throws Sakura in a room with Syaoran*
Sakrua: Syaoran-kun, what have they done to you!?
Syaoran: that you....
Sakura: Oh Syaoran, you look ill, we must get you out of here!
Syaoran: Your a female right?
Sakura: *eye twitches* Of course!
Syaoran: I...don't like females
Sakura: NANI!?!
Syaoran: Get away from you rabid fangirl! *pushes her off*
Sakura: Syaoran-kun, what are you doing, I thought we were meant to be, hell, I even made a song for you, ya know, Hitosu Dake?
Syaoran: A song...for me?
Sakura: HAI! Because Syaoran is the only one for me!
Syaoran: *face contorts* AHHHH, SOMONE HELP ME!
fisah: *backs away from door* OMG, Syaoran is now afraid of females, THE HORROR!