ok, about fuzzy and princess.
fuzzy retains his "my teretory" persona. he's claining evefry place, every thing belogns to him XD (sorta reminsent of the PPG pilot, where fuzzy turned everyone into meat so he can rule townsville
as for Princess, her full name is shirogane himeko, which literaly means Silver princess/princess silver shirogane also means platinum, and both silver and shirogane are worth alot, so it wokrs XD
she also retains her jealousy of the PPG she doesnt jut WANT tp be a heroine, she wants all the attention to her self. (she has 2 forms as well. the pink pigtails with starry eyes, and firey red hair with manic yellow eyes O_o
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too bad she's a one timer evil doer...
also, remember in the original cartoon, that evil white cat who took over the professor? he too got hit by black chemical z ath te same time as princess was! i expect to see him do something evil soon too

one more thing...they are ACTUALY planning on putting the ameoba boys...wouldnt have expected that one...wouldnt it seems quite strange to see 3 single selled organizims the size of a person walking(?) around town O_o