
Do you think Doumeki/Watanuki will become an official pairing?

It won't happen, only get hinted at.
20 (18.7%)
Are you nuts? Watanuki loves Himawari!
8 (7.5%)
Maybe, it's hard to tell.
14 (13.1%)
Totally! Doumeki so loves Watanuki!
42 (39.3%)
I'm leaning towards yes, but I'm not convinced yet.
23 (21.5%)

Total Members Voted: 100

AuthorTopic: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)  (Read 212368 times)

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #60 on: July 13 2006, 09:50 am »
I'm sure about a question. It must exist a reason if Clamp created XXXHOlic. TRC and Holic is being published at the same time, but both follows differents ways. TRC has a lot of action and few explanation, while, in the other hand, XXXHolic, with Yuuko, has a lot of things to tell and less action than TRC. Connections isn't few.Yuuko knew Clow, so she also knew SAkura & Syaoran. FWR is a "big" enemy to her. Yuuko's behaviour is really calmed, so she always knows what to do or if her past actions were good. I sense that Yuuko was created by Clamp 'cause she'll give an explanation at the end of both stories.

also, both Mokonas were created by Yuuko & Clow. White for Syaoran, black for Watanuki. They're guards, because "manjuus" have saved a lot of times the kids. :confused:

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #61 on: July 13 2006, 11:43 am »
I remember reading in some CLAMP interview that they had wanted to create a story (stories, as it turned out) connecting all their works. To do that, there had to be a character who knew the connection between all CLAMP's works, and that character is Yuuko. So I think Yuuko is going to be doing a lot of explaining indeed. Mind, I don't actually remember which interview this is from, so I could be remembering it wrongly.
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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #62 on: July 13 2006, 12:05 pm »
I remember that, it was from AX.  I think the question was something  like if their real life worlds were the same universe and they said yes but for their fantasy worlds they needed a way to connect all together to they created Yuuko.
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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #63 on: July 13 2006, 12:25 pm »
I don't think that's the one I'm thinking of (it was from before AX), but if it said that, it'll do.
« Last Edit: July 14 2006, 03:35 am by Capella »
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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #64 on: July 13 2006, 11:43 pm »
I'm sure about a question. It must exist a reason if Clamp created XXXHOlic. TRC and Holic is being published at the same time, but both follows differents ways. TRC has a lot of action and few explanation, while, in the other hand, XXXHolic, with Yuuko, has a lot of things to tell and less action than TRC. Connections isn't few.Yuuko knew Clow, so she also knew SAkura & Syaoran. FWR is a "big" enemy to her. Yuuko's behaviour is really calmed, so she always knows what to do or if her past actions were good. I sense that Yuuko was created by Clamp 'cause she'll give an explanation at the end of both stories.

also, both Mokonas were created by Yuuko & Clow. White for Syaoran, black for Watanuki. They're guards, because "manjuus" have saved a lot of times the kids. :confused:

Yuuko, in the manga, mentioned that the White Mokona represents "Power", and the Black Mokona represents "Seal". Which would make sense since Watanuki needs to shield himself from the strange things that happen to him, while Syaoran and co. need as much power as they would need to face whatever danger comes in their way.

But wait... wouldn't Watanuki need power to fight the weird things, too?
Remember, he has power already, but he needs to learn to control it, not the other way around, plus he has a wish to get rid of his power. Syaoran and co., in exchange for the ability to travel across the dimensions, gave up whatever weapons they might have in the first place, and Syaoran never had any special powers to begin with himself.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #65 on: July 13 2006, 11:51 pm »
But wait... wouldn't Watanuki need power to fight the weird things, too?

I guess that's where Doumeki comes in.
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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #66 on: July 14 2006, 09:25 pm »
yeah... watanuki cant handle the spirits all by himself, thus Doumeki is there to provide him with the support he needs should they get into a tight spot... o.0

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #67 on: July 15 2006, 12:28 am »
I'm pretty sure that Doumeki is the way Yuuko is granting Watanuki's wish. It's perfectly valid... I don't think she ever said she'd take away his powers, only "make it" so he doesn't see spirits anymore (err... did she? I don't have my book 1 with me so I can't double-check). I think there's probably a bit more to it, of course, but essentially I think that's what Doumeki's there for.

Anyway, I can see Watanuki finding out that Doumeki is the answer to his wish and flipping out, because he's just been tricked again by Yuuko... :hehe:
« Last Edit: July 15 2006, 05:12 am by Emiko »
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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #68 on: July 15 2006, 04:05 am »
I'm pretty sure that Doumeki is the way Yuuko is granting Watanuki's wish. It's perfectly valid... I don't think she ever said she'd take away his powers, only "make it" so he doesn't see spirits anymore (err... did she? I don't have my book 1 with me so I can't double-check). I think there's probably a bit more to it, of course, buit essentially I think that's what Doumeki's there for.

Anyway, I can see Watanuki finding out that Doumeki is the answer to his wish and flipping out, because he's just been tricked again by Yuuko... :hehe:
right. she never said she'd take away his powers, only make them tolerable XD and yes, watenuki will most likly flip out, causing doumeki to plug his ears again ^^
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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #69 on: July 16 2006, 02:29 am »
Thanks for pointing that out, Yue-chan. ^^ I'd have to say this was my favorite part:
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Dou: "....I'll go."


Wata: "hm?"
Dou: "I'll go and get it. You wait here."
Wata: "It's my fault that it flew inside in the first place, so I'll go."
Dou: "You're waiting here. No talking."
Wata: "You think I'm scared?! I'm going in! You can stay here and cry until I come back!"

chou_addicted's comments after the scripts were pretty interesting too... Like CLAMP won't delve into the realistic and darker side of their characters, especially Doumeki and his job at the temple.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #70 on: July 22 2006, 08:19 am »
I've read in somewhre that Clamp said in a n interview that Himawari is a "surprise" at the end...then, she could be the connection between TRC and XXHolic, but Clamp said that she'll do something imporatnt , .obviously, they didn't say what.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #71 on: July 22 2006, 10:50 am »
Yeah, I heard that too. But I thought that CLAMP only said that once something big is revealed, XXXHolic will be over quickly. Did they go on record saying it was Himawari? Even if they didn't, it's pretty obvious that THAT is what's most likely to be drawn out the longest...
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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #72 on: July 22 2006, 10:55 am »
Yeah, I heard that too. But I thought that CLAMP only said that once something big is revealed, XXXHolic will be over quickly. Did they go on record saying it was Himawari? Even if they didn't, it's pretty obvious that THAT is what's most likely to be drawn out the longest...

They did say Holic would be over soon, once something big about somebody was revealed, but they didn't say WHO. My bet is that it's Himawari as well. She's the msot mysterious of the Holic characters. I'd already been suspecting something about her from all the hints that've been dropped so far.

However, I WOULDN'T be surprised either if Clamp on purposely led us to believe there was something with Himawari, then pulls a twist on us unexpectedly.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #73 on: July 23 2006, 11:08 am »
(Kills himself)

Episode 5 Is a really beautiful most especially
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The part where the owner of the shop used the arrow to heal the injury of the bird... As well as the part wherein Watanuki gave the arrow to the owner's son in the first few moments of the episode...

It's really beautiful... ^^


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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #74 on: July 23 2006, 11:31 am »
um..okay, I don't want to sound stupid, and I don't know if this has been asked yet, but what is  Watanuki's surname? It seemes that in the anime or websites that I go to, Watanuki is listed sometimes as his surname but sometimes as given name.

(...humm that does sound stupid. ^_^;;;;;;)

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #75 on: July 23 2006, 11:50 am »
um..okay, I don't want to sound stupid, and I don't know if this has been asked yet, but what is  Watanuki's surname? It seemes that in the anime or websites that I go to, Watanuki is listed sometimes as his surname but sometimes as given name.

(...humm that does sound stupid. ^_^;;;;;;)
actualy, watenumi IS his surname. his first name is Kimihiro. Dioumeki's first name is Shizuka
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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #76 on: July 23 2006, 11:56 am »
actualy, watenumi IS his surname. his first name is Kimihiro. Dioumeki's first name is Shizuka

..... *blink* OH. Shizuka? *giggles*

Thanks for the clarification!

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #77 on: July 23 2006, 12:19 pm »
That is, his given name is Watanuki and his family name is Kimihiro. I think we're getting confused by the Japanese name order. Doumeki is Doumeki's given name. The other one would be his family name.
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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #78 on: July 23 2006, 02:10 pm »
That is, his given name is Watanuki and his family name is Kimihiro. I think we're getting confused by the Japanese name order. Doumeki is Doumeki's given name. The other one would be his family name.

.....gah! See this is what I mean! Everyone says something different  :cry:

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #79 on: July 23 2006, 02:39 pm »
That is, his given name is Watanuki and his family name is Kimihiro. I think we're getting confused by the Japanese name order. Doumeki is Doumeki's given name. The other one would be his family name.

Shizuka is Doumeki's given name. Watanuki asks Doumeki what his family calls him, and Doumeki responds "Shizuka". I don't think his family would call him by his surname.

Also, Kimihiro is Watanuki's given name.

I am 99.999999999999% percent sure on this.