
Do you think Doumeki/Watanuki will become an official pairing?

It won't happen, only get hinted at.
20 (18.7%)
Are you nuts? Watanuki loves Himawari!
8 (7.5%)
Maybe, it's hard to tell.
14 (13.1%)
Totally! Doumeki so loves Watanuki!
42 (39.3%)
I'm leaning towards yes, but I'm not convinced yet.
23 (21.5%)

Total Members Voted: 100

AuthorTopic: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)  (Read 212050 times)

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #160 on: August 23 2006, 08:37 am »
the chronometer is running,we are counting on you  :keke:
will you beat your record  :wink:?

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #161 on: August 23 2006, 08:46 am »
Page 2- 4 done.

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page 2:
Doumeki: Are you saying you met my grandfaterh in your dream?
Watanuki: Yes. Your father's name is Haruka, right?
Doumeki: Yes.
Watanuki: When he's smoking, he looks alot like you.
Doumeki: Now that you mentioned it. My grandfather does look like me when he was young.

Page 3
Watanuki: your grandfather passed away, right?
Doumeki: He passed away when i was in fifth grade.
Watanuki: Then i wonder why he looked very young in my dreams. No, before i ask that, why was he in my dream in the first place?
Doumeki: My grandfather said you and him are very "similar" in a way.
Watanuki: Yes.
Doumeki: Then if that is true, then i guess something will happen. The reason is because not only can he kill evil things, He can also predict things.

Page 4
Watanuki: I think that Haruka san is a mysterious person.
Doumeki: You mentioned earlier that my grandfather told you to bring along with you your balloon?
Watanuki: Yes. That's why i brought it along with me. Then i saw Kohane-chan. That's why i gave the balloon to her.
Watanuki: I think Haruka san predicted that i will see Kohane-chan, that's why he told me to bring the balloon.
Doumeki: ...........

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #162 on: August 23 2006, 08:52 am »
Page 5-6

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page 5

Watanuki: Ah. Also, i gave Kohane your share of lunch. That's why you need to buy your own today.
Doumeki: ............
Watanuki: Even if you make that face expression, if it's gone, then it's gone!
Doumeki: .........
Doumeki: "Give that balloon to the girl". Did my grandfather actually tell you to do that?
Watanuki: Eh? no. Haruka san just told me to bring the balloon with me today. He didn't say anything about giving it to someone.

Page 6

Doumeki: That means that he didn't say anything about giving the balloon to anyone.
Watanuki: Ah. Yes. That's right.
Doumeki: Are you sure you're fine without the balloon?
Watanuki: It's fine. Since i gave it to Kohane-chan.
Doumeki: Wait for me today. After my extracurricular classes
Watanuki: Ah? Why?
« Last Edit: August 23 2006, 09:15 am by xxxholic »

Offline augustserenade

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #163 on: August 23 2006, 08:57 am »
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page 5

Watanuki: Ah. Also, i gave Kohane your share of lunch. That's why you need to buy your own today.
Doumeki: ............
Watanuki: Even if you make that face expression, if it's gone, then it's gone!
Doumeki: .........
Doumeki: "Give that balloon to the girl". Did my grandfather actually tell you to do that?
Watanuki: Eh? no. Haruka san just told me to bring the balloon with me today. He didn't say anything about giving it to someone.

Page 6

Doumeki: That means that he didn't say anything about giving the balloon to anyone.
Watanuki: Ah. Yes. That's right.
Doumeki: Are you sure you're fine without the balloon?
Watanuki: It's fine. Since i gave it to Kohane-chan.
Doumeki: Wait for me today. After my extracurricular classes
Watanuki: Ah? Why?

Ahh cute! X3 Doumeki's last line on page 6. ^^

You are so getting cookies for this, xxxholic. ^_^

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #164 on: August 23 2006, 09:03 am »
Thank you, xxxholic! ♥ (You should not have taught me how to make the heart, My Lady. Now I will totally abuse it. xd) You have a cookie coming from me.

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I don't think that's Doumeki's blood- I think it's Watanuki's.

I would so die happy if Watanuki and Doumeki got some more canon-ness, since apparently the whole eye thing wasn't enough for some people.
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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #165 on: August 23 2006, 09:04 am »
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Doumeki's worried, Watanuki shouldn't have given away the balloon.  I don't think Himawari is intentionally evil, maybe she's cursed or something. She was screaming at the end afterall. D:

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #166 on: August 23 2006, 09:06 am »
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But if it is Watanuki's blood, I don't think I can handle it...Doumeki would have to take care of him again...bliss

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #167 on: August 23 2006, 09:08 am »
Page 7-14 Done.
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Page 7

Watanuki: I asked you "Why?"!! Ah! (Is it because of the lunch? Is it that you want me to cook for you at your home? Hey!

Watanuki(to himself): Really. Why make that face! What is it, Doumeki-sama?! Then, i'm Watanuki-sama!

Page 8

Himawari: Good Morning! Watanuki.
Watanuki: Himawari.....

Page 9

no conversation

Page 10

Himawari: You're no feeling well? You don't look very well.
Did something happened while you were getting the water?
Watanuki: No, nothing happened.
Himawari: Really? You're not faking it, right?
Watanuki: No. There's nothing wrong.

Page 11

Watanuki: Oh, right. I saw Kohane-chan today.
Himawari: The girl who can get rid of ghosts?
Watanuki: Yes.
And then, i gave her Doumeki's lunch.

Page 12

No conversation

Page 13

No conversation

Page 14

Himawari: WATANUKI!!!

Offline augustserenade

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #168 on: August 23 2006, 09:11 am »
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Doumeki's worried, Watanuki shouldn't have given away the balloon. I don't think Himawari is intentionally evil, maybe she's cursed or something. She was screaming at the end afterall. D:

Yeah. I don't think Himawari intentionally hurt Watanuki. She probably doesn't know what power (?) she posseses.

Thank you, xxxholic! ♥ (You should not have taught me how to make the heart, My Lady. Now I will totally abuse it. xd) You have a cookie coming from me.

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I don't think that's Doumeki's blood- I think it's Watanuki's.

I would so die happy if Watanuki and Doumeki got some more canon-ness, since apparently the whole eye thing wasn't enough for some people.

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I agree. I also think that it's Watanuki's blood, but then again, after reading xxxholic's translation, the line "wait for me after my extracurricular class" seemed to change my mind a bit. It may be Doumeki's, most likely Watanuki. ><

X3 On days like these when new chapters are released, I find hearts are a most necessary tool, My Lady. ♥___♥

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #169 on: August 23 2006, 09:12 am »
And if I recall, there is no chapter next week.  Clamp are sadists, I swear.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #170 on: August 23 2006, 09:14 am »
uwaa!!! thank you!!!


Your'e welcome. Thanks for the cookie!

the chronometer is running,we are counting on you ?keke:
will you beat your record ?wink:?

I'm sorry! Unfortunely, it took me almost half an hour to it. >.< Sorry for the  misleading 5 min. :(

Ahh cute! X3 Doumeki's last line on page 6. ^^

You are so getting cookies for this, xxxholic. ^_^

Cool. Thanks for the cookie!. hehe.
Thank you, xxxholic! ♥ (You should not have taught me how to make the heart, My Lady. Now I will totally abuse it. xd) You have a cookie coming from me.

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I don't think that's Doumeki's blood- I think it's Watanuki's.

I would so die happy if Watanuki and Doumeki got some more canon-ness, since apparently the whole eye thing wasn't enough for some people.

You're welcome! and....
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i also think that those are Doumeki's blood.... It's getting so intense!

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #171 on: August 23 2006, 09:17 am »
Thank you so much, xxxholic!!~ *gives cookie*

Now for another two week wait for HOLiC ;.; Waaah.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #172 on: August 23 2006, 09:17 am »
The next chapter doesn't come out until September 4th, Clamp is indeed evil. D:<

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #173 on: August 23 2006, 09:18 am »
OKay, the final and complete translaton is here. There are some errors in it but i'm re-reading it to correct them. Sorry for any mistakes! >.<

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page 2:
Doumeki: Are you saying you met my grandfather in your dream?
Watanuki: Yes. Your grandfather's name is Haruka, right?
Doumeki: Yes.
Watanuki: When he's smoking, he looks alot like you.
Doumeki: Now that you mentioned it. My grandfather does look like me when he was young.
Watanuki: Hey! It should be YOU who looks like him!!

Page 3
Watanuki: your grandfather passed away, right?
Doumeki: He passed away when i was in fifth grade.
Watanuki: Then i wonder why he looked very young in my dreams. No, before i ask that, why was he in my dream in the first place?
Doumeki: My grandfather said you and him are very "similar" in a way?
Watanuki: Yes.
Doumeki: Then if that is true, then i guess something will happen. The reason is because not only can he kill evil things, He can also predict things.

Page 4
Watanuki: I think that Haruka san is a mysterious person.
Doumeki: You mentioned earlier that my grandfather told you to bring along with you your balloon?
Watanuki: Yes. That's why i brought it along with me. Then i saw Kohane-chan. That's why i gave the balloon to her.
Watanuki: I think Haruka san predicted that i will see Kohane-chan, that's why he told me to bring the balloon.
Doumeki: ...........

page 5

Watanuki: Ah. Also, i gave Kohane your share of lunch. That's why you need to buy some bread or something for lunch today.
Doumeki: ............
Watanuki: Even if you make that face expression, if it's gone, then it's gone!
Doumeki: .........
Doumeki: "Give that balloon to the girl". Did my grandfather actually tell you to do that?
Watanuki: Eh? no. Haruka san just told me to bring the balloon with me today. He didn't say anything about giving it to someone.

Page 6

Doumeki: That means that he didn't say anything about giving the balloon to anyone.
Watanuki: Ah. Yes. That's right.
Doumeki: Are you sure you're fine without the balloon?
Watanuki: It's fine. Since i gave it to Kohane-chan.
Doumeki: Wait for me today. After my club activities.
Watanuki: Ah? Why?

Page 7

Watanuki: I asked you "Why?"!! Ah! (Is it because of the lunch? Is it that you want me to cook for you at your home? Hey!)

Watanuki(to himself): Really. Why make that face! What is it, Doumeki-sama?! Then, i'm Watanuki-sama!

Page 8

Himawari: Good Morning! Watanuki.
Watanuki: Himawari.....

Page 9

no conversation

Page 10

Himawari: You're no feeling well? You don't look very well.
Did something happened while you were getting the water?
Watanuki: No, nothing happened.
Himawari: Really? You're not faking it, right?
Watanuki: No. There's nothing wrong.

Page 11

Watanuki: Oh, right. I saw Kohane-chan today.
Himawari: The girl who can communicate with spirits?
Watanuki: Yes.
And then, i gave her Doumeki's lunch.......

Page 12

No conversation

Page 13

No conversation

Page 14

Himawari: WATANUKI!!!
« Last Edit: August 23 2006, 03:45 pm by xxxholic »

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #174 on: August 23 2006, 09:33 am »
thank you for the translation!!! i cant wait for the scnas *_*
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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #175 on: August 23 2006, 09:37 am »
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I agree. I also think that it's Watanuki's blood, but then again, after reading xxxholic's translation, the line "wait for me after my extracurricular class" seemed to change my mind a bit. It may be Doumeki's, most likely Watanuki. ><

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Oh thanks for pointing the extracurricular class out. I corrected it and it's supposed to be "club activities". ^_^;; But the first thing i thought of when i saw the blood was DOUMEKI.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #176 on: August 23 2006, 09:37 am »
Wow.  Clamp released 125 of TSR early and left us with the cliffhanger...and now this.  Just...wow.

   Thanks so much for the links (and pwd) for the raw, Sailor Yue-Chan, and the translations, xxxholic!

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #177 on: August 23 2006, 01:38 pm »
SailorYue-chan: Thanks for the link and password for Chapter 116.

xxxholic: Thank you for the translation.


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Very Doumeki - (paraphrasing) - "He looks like me when he was young." And typical Watanuki - "Don't you mean . . ." All that was missing was the "you arrogant jerk!" But Watanuki has been more civil since the ghost lady incident. And when he does say something (about Doumeki) now, like he did to Kohane-chan, it's more out of fondness than malice.

I felt so bad for Himiwari. She looked so hurt when Watanuki just stared at her. I know from the translation that she is supposed to look concerned. But the expression on her face is not mere concern. *In the anime twin arc Watanuki was walking with Himawari and thinking about whether she had been to the cafe. She answered him and he was confused because he didn't say it out loud. She read his mind. *  I think she does really care about Watanuki. In an I like you because you like me kind of way. If she thought knew that she had anything to do with him falling out the window, she would be traumatized. Maybe as much as we are having to wait so long to find out who's injured and just how seriously?

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Just reread the chapter. At first I was wondering where Himawari was while Watanuki was backflipping out the second-story window. I was thinking: Why aren't you trying to stop him from falling? Then I thought back to my earlier traumatized comment and realized she could have been frozen in disbelief/terror at seeing the windows just fall away when windows shouldn't do that not to mention your friend going head-first after them. More sympathy for Himawari!
« Last Edit: August 23 2006, 02:07 pm by whatever »

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #178 on: August 23 2006, 02:10 pm »
thnks for the trans Z*_*

you wrote in the "page 2" that watenuki said "your father" it should probably be "your grandfather"
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #179 on: August 23 2006, 03:37 pm »
btw, the cliffhanger in this chapter is just as bad as the infamous cliffhanger-2week break of ch 120.

they do something terrible to the most popular character...something that makes us wonder if he'll pull thru. then force us to wait 2 weeks to find out D:

those evil evil girls ^^
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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