Discuss: [Board Revival] Need Suggestions!
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thnks for the trans Z*_*you wrote in the "page 2" that watenuki said "your father" it should probably be "your grandfather"
thank you for the chapter link and translation!!!Seriously, we do need separate thread for xxxHolic, so we can discuss the anime and manga separately...not jumbled up all together. Though it's kinda no problem here
xxxHOLiC has definalty turned into a very dark manga O.Othe chapter has been scanslated on the msn group, but it hass all the errors from the first draft of the transaltion ill have to email the manager about that or soemthing :-/
Seriously, we do need separate thread for xxxHolic, so we can discuss the anime and manga separately...not jumbled up all together.
Show content Haruka (Doumeki's grandfather) told Watanuki they'd meet again in a dream. Since Haruka can see the future, I'd imagine this means Watanuki will live. But oh the possibilities with this developement! I can think of SO many ways this can go. 1) Watanuki is seriously injured and causes some more character development between him and Doumeki 2) Doumeki saved him and is the one hurt...and either causes Watanuki to connect more with him or 3) Push him away in fear that Doumeki will end up killed like his parents did 4) Doumeki dies and that's how Watanuki's wish is granted because Doumeki's death protects him in some way (not likely) 5) Watanuki doesn't get seriously hurt but now KNOWS Himawari means serious bad stuff for him and maybe we finally learn just what she is
Just found these Ch117 spoilers from here: http://clamp-hikari.livejournal.com/2590.html. I have no clue how accurate it is.Show contentin the darknessWatanuki as a little kid crying: It hurts, I can’t move… Where are mother and father?Father and mother reached for Watanuki with hands that are covered in blood.Watanuki gets lifted but his glasses fells and shatters.Parents extending their bloody hands: Sorry. We can’t be with you. Make you feel loneliness. Make you feel pain.Parents: You’ll definitely meet. Can wait for you. So your future doesn’t 途切(Road ardently?). So don’t disappear. Our precious child. Another one of…The arms disappear. Watanuki cries and chase after it but Haruka him.Haruka: Made it. That person cannot go through dreams, but if not like this I wouldn’t be able to stop you. (Don’t ask me who) Next time let’s meet in a real dream.Watanuki wakes up and finds Yuuko beside him. Coincidently Doumeki saw Watanuki falling from the 2nd floor and was going to call an ambulance but she stops him and told him to bring Watanuki to her shop.Yuuko: Only a little bit and it’s going to be too late.When Watanuki babbles about his price, Yuuko replied she already received from 3 people.And Behind Yuuko, Himawari appears…