
Do you think Doumeki/Watanuki will become an official pairing?

It won't happen, only get hinted at.
20 (18.7%)
Are you nuts? Watanuki loves Himawari!
8 (7.5%)
Maybe, it's hard to tell.
14 (13.1%)
Totally! Doumeki so loves Watanuki!
42 (39.3%)
I'm leaning towards yes, but I'm not convinced yet.
23 (21.5%)

Total Members Voted: 100

AuthorTopic: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)  (Read 212208 times)

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #220 on: September 05 2006, 03:47 pm »
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Is it me, or are the timelines for xxxHolic and Tsubasa getting closer together.  Before they were around 10 chapters apart, but now they're really close.  Yuuko is wearing the same clothes as she is in Tsubasa right now (poor Watanuki was falling out of a window while she was dealing with the Tsubasa gang >_<).

Didn't Clamp say that xxxHolic would end soon after something is revealed, could it have to do with Himawari being at Yuuko's?

At least there's no two wait for quite a while. ^_^
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i didnt notice that. perhaps she dealt with the TRC gang after saving watenuki? (or having haruka save him... remember in the spoiler haruka aparently says "that person cannot go thru dreams" perhaps he was talikng about yuuko...)
a person after falling out of a 2 story window would be unconcious for some time, so maybe while he was recooping in his bedroom at her house, she was delivering the water...(that would also explain the especcialy grim look on her face when she was stoping kuro from beating up real syao for wearing the bat sybmol)

either that or im just rambling XP
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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #221 on: September 05 2006, 03:50 pm »
thankies!!! ^^

is the righting on the sides of the last page the "end cap" thingy? or just randome chinese adverts?
hnnn... i like that alot ^^
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that pushes that pairing closer to canon now ^^ *fangirl sqeeeeel*

the chinese words on the sides of the last page are like, previews. Well, not really previews, but they put questions there just to make people anticipate the next chapter, i guess.

3 more pages till translation complete!

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #222 on: September 05 2006, 03:53 pm »
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i didnt notice that. perhaps she dealt with the TRC gang after saving watenuki? (or having haruka save him... remember in the spoiler haruka aparently says "that person cannot go thru dreams" perhaps he was talikng about yuuko...)
a person after falling out of a 2 story window would be unconcious for some time, so maybe while he was recooping in his bedroom at her house, she was delivering the water...(that would also explain the especcialy grim look on her face when she was stoping kuro from beating up real syao for wearing the bat sybmol)

either that or im just rambling XP

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No, she was dealing with them early that morning.  When he woke up Maru and Moro said that she was in the treasure room with Mokona and that he still had to make breakfast.  He had wanted to talk to Yuuko about his dream, but obviously couldn't.  On his way to school he ate the bento with Kohane and gave her the balloon, went to school and talked to Doumeki, and then fell out of the window.  Now he's back at Yuuko's house with a creepy looking Himawari.

I think that sums it up, for the most part.  Basically Yuuko had her hands full saving Fai, so I wouldn't put it past her being the one to have Haruka save Watanuki.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #223 on: September 05 2006, 03:59 pm »
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No, she was dealing with them early that morning.  When he woke up Maru and Moro said that she was in the treasure room with Mokona and that he still had to make breakfast.  He had wanted to talk to Yuuko about his dream, but obviously couldn't.  On his way to school he ate the bento with Kohane and gave her the balloon, went to school and talked to Doumeki, and then fell out of the window.  Now he's back at Yuuko's house with a creepy looking Himawari.

I think that sums it up, for the most part.

Yeah, I think you pretty much summed it up.
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Plus, it's not like she didn't have plenty of other reasons to look grim, there was the whole Syaoran thing, the whole eye thing, people were all hurt and the situation surrounding the Tsubasa gang was pretty depressing...

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #224 on: September 05 2006, 04:06 pm »
The translation is here!

Enjoy, sorry for any mistakes! :sweatdrop: I've tried my best!  :)

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Page 1
Watanuki enters death road!!!
People need a wish for life
Also, people need to know the concept of death.
In addition, the most important thing that must be acknowledged is...

Page 2
Watanuki: This hurts.
Watanuki: My body hurts, i can't move.

Page 3
Watanuki: This hurts.
Watanuki: This really hurts, i can't move.
Watanuki: Dad, mom, where are you guys?
Watanuki: This hurts, i'm so scare!
Watanuki: Dad, mom.

Page 4
Watanuki: Mom
Watanuki: Dad

Page 5
Watanuki: Dad, Mom
Mom and Dad: Sorry
Mom and Dad: We couldn't let you be with us.
Mom and Dad: Sorry
Mom and Dad: You have become so lonely.
Mom and Dad: You have become so hurt.
Mom and Dad: Sorry.

Page 6
Mom and Dad: But
Mom and Dad: You will definitely meet...
Mom and Dad: Someone who will be waiting for you....
Mom and Dad: Who won't disappoint your future......

Page 7
Mom and Dad: Being able to see you.
Mom and Dad: And talk with you.
Mom and Dad: People who will be with you.
Mom and Dad: So

Page 8
Mom and Dad: PLease.
Mom and Dad: Don't disappear.
Mom and Dad: Our precious child.
Mom and Dad: There's still something....

Page 9
Watanuki: Wait! Dad, Mom, don't go!
Watanuki: I'll go with you

Page 10
Haruka: I made it.

Page 11
Haruka: It's a good thing that i still look like Shizuka's age.
Haruka: He wasn't able to come in the dream.
Haruka: But, if i didn't look like him, i wouldn't be able to stop you.
Haruka: Good. It's calling you.
Haruka: You need to return now.

Page 12
Haruka: Let's meet again in a real dream.
Watanuki: I...

Page 13
Yuuko: You fell down.
Yuuko: You fell down from the second floor at school, with the shattered glasses.
Yuuko: Coincidentally, Doumeki was down there and he saw it, he was going to call for the ambulance.
Yuuko: But i called for him and told him to bring you to my shop.
Yuuko: To save time.

Page 14
Yuuko: You were in a state of emergency.
Yuuko: But, there was someone who went to stop you, right? While you were in the dream of hell.
Watanuki: Then, Yuuko-san....rescued me?
Yuuko: Yes.

Page 15
Watanuki: I guess the price...is very high.
Yuuko: I already received it.
Watanuki: Eh?
Yuuko: I received it from three people.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #225 on: September 05 2006, 04:14 pm »
wow. thanks O.O
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #226 on: September 05 2006, 04:18 pm »
You're welcome. :)

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #227 on: September 05 2006, 04:21 pm »
Thank you so much xxxholic!
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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #228 on: September 05 2006, 04:21 pm »
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from what watenuki's paretns say,

Mom and Dad: But
Mom and Dad: You will definitely meet...
Mom and Dad: Someone who will be waiting for you....
Mom and Dad: Who won't disappoint your future......

.... we all know who they mean, right? ^^;;

btw...has anyone else noticec the similar pattern between xxxholic and TRC?

you have a shonenai pairing.
one person gets seriosuly injured, near death even
more and more hinting of the pair persues
CLAMP officialy canons the pair.

in TRC:
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kurofai is the pair.
fai gets seriosuly injured and is going to die...
mmuch hinting ensues: Kuro's speach about fai, how he [protected fai from his won magic, punchuing that hole in the wall.
then ch 125 canons it by kuro willing to do anythung to ensure fai does not die. even binding himself to him.

in xxxholic:
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watenuki-doumeki is the pair (btw...is there a short way of saying that?)
watenuki falls out the 2nd story window and is aparently in the "dream world of hell" willing to follow his parents to the underworld.
some hinting in this chapter, what watenuki's parents say, about the "person who wont disapoint him"

theres still soem time for xxxholic, cuz watenuki only just got hurt... but its sure to happen...

has something like that ever happened in any of the other mangas with shonenai piars?
« Last Edit: September 05 2006, 04:40 pm by Super Sailor Yue »
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #229 on: September 05 2006, 04:41 pm »
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from what watenuki's paretns say,

.... we all know who they mean, right? ^^;;

btw...has anyone else noticec the similar pattern between xxxholic and TRC?

you have a shonenai pairing.
one person gets seriosuly injured, near death even
more and more hinting of the pair persues
CLAMP officialy canons the pair.

in TRC:
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kurofai is the pair.
fai gets seriosuly injured and is going to die...
mmuch hinting ensues: Kuro's speach about fai, how he [protected fai from his won magic, punchuing that hole in the wall.
then ch 125 canons it by kuro willing to do anythung to ensure fai does not die. even binding himself to him.

in xxxholic:
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watenuki-doumeki is the pair (btw...is there a short way of saying that?)
watenuki falls out the 2nd story window and is aparently in the "dream world of hell" willing to follow his parents to the underworld.
some hinting in this chapter, what watenuki's parents say, about the "person who wont disapoint him"

theres still soem time for xxxholic, cuz watenuki only just got hurt... but its sure to happen...

has something like that ever happened in any of the other mangas with shonenai piars?

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That can both be interpreted as for Doumeki or Yuuko, but probably for Doumeki.

On the injured aspect, that can also be viewed in Tokyo Babylon.  It took Seishirou being seriously injured for Subaru to realize that he loved him.  But in that case, he flat out admitted his feelings to himself.  Don't know if we'll be that lucky here. ^_^'

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #230 on: September 05 2006, 04:46 pm »
it also happened in CCS...atleast the anime...i never read the manga so im not sure of that <_<
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #231 on: September 05 2006, 05:05 pm »
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Watch the reason why Himawari isn't right for him is that they're really related or something. >_<

I think the reason why Haruka said that it was good that he still looked like Doumeki was because of familiarity.  In Tokyo Babylon when Subaru went into Mitsuki's mind (an old childhood friend that he hadn't seen in years), he said that it would be easier to pull her out of the dream if she remembered him.

So that's why I think that Haruka said that.  He probably would have gotten a bit more resistance from Watanuki if he looked unfamiliar, like how Kamui reacted to Subaru in X.  Except in this case it's a dead spirit entering a death dream, but it's generally alike.
« Last Edit: September 05 2006, 05:34 pm by nefadol »

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #232 on: September 05 2006, 06:32 pm »
btw...has anyone else noticec the similar pattern between xxxholic and TRC?

you have a shonenai pairing.
one person gets seriosuly injured, near death even
more and more hinting of the pair persues
CLAMP officialy canons the pair.
Yes! Ever since the rumoured spoilers were released I've been wondering if Yuuko healed Watenuki using the vampire blood she had previously gotten from the twins for their payment to travel dimensions, lol.

has something like that ever happened in any of the other mangas with shonenai piars?

Lets see... (various CLAMP spoilers ahead)

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Wish - It took Kohaku being forced to return to Heaven before he and Shuichiro realized their love for each other.  No near death experience but they both were under the impression they would never see each other again since Kohaku wouldn't be allowed to return to Earth, which is probably worst.

CCS - Yukito got hurt before Touya and him got together.

MKR - Eagle almost dies before he and Lantis start to realize their feelings.  Although they never admit it to each other by the end of the story, you have the main character, Hikaru, trying to set them up because she knows, so I'm counting it. :P

Tokyo Babylon - it took Seishirou getting hurt for Subaru to admit his love.

X - Kamui's feelings for Fuuma are not clear until after Fuuma joins the Dragons of Earth, which resulted in a huge injury towards Kamui which he wouldn't have recovered from if it wasn't for Subaru and it the start of Fuuma molesting Kamui ever chance he got.

Legal Drug - Kazahaya would have died a couple of times now if it wasn't for Rikuo.

RG Veda - it takes Ashura going into his God of Destruction mode before Yasha realizes he loves him more than as father/son, which almost resulted in his own death but Ashura stabs himself instead.
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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #233 on: September 05 2006, 08:26 pm »
Thanx for the scans link and the translation...^^!!

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so, basically how Watanuki was saved after he fell is not exactly desribed, it's just Doumeki saved him and bring him to Yuuko shop, now why would Yuuko said that this would save time than calling ambulance...?does it means before it's too late for Watanuki to enter the death realm..hmm...i think so. And about Yuuko receiving from 3 people....who could they be, either Doumeki, Haruka and Himawari or Watanuki's parents and...... :confused: . And who exactly Himawari is ??>< bad omen to Watanuki..?

I guess for the answer  I just have to find out next week, and there will be no break until ch 120   :greengrin:

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #234 on: September 05 2006, 09:40 pm »
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I highly doubt that Yuuko is one of the people paying for saving Watanuki's life because she is the one who is granting the wish...
now, another crazy theory
Kurogane owes Yuuko for the water so maybe he is this third person she received the payment form...
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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #235 on: September 05 2006, 09:50 pm »
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I highly doubt that Yuuko is one of the people paying for saving Watanuki's life because she is the one who is granting the wish...
now, another crazy theory
Kurogane owes Yuuko for the water so maybe he is this third person she received the payment form...

hmmm ..interesting theory
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but I think Kurogane owe Yuuko for the water that watanuki collected, not for saving his life, or is it gonna be the same?

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #236 on: September 05 2006, 10:01 pm »
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well, I just think that Yuuko can arrange Kurogane's payment in such a way that it can somehow contribute to saving Watanuki...
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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #237 on: September 05 2006, 10:12 pm »
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While I do agree that something is off with Himawari, the fact that Yuuko even let her in the shop must mean she doesn't truly mean Watanuki harm ( I hope). Didn't Yuuko say something like "Himawari's a good girl, isn't she?" or something like that in the ghost story arc? Also, doesn't Himawari look like a grown-up version or Moro-dari? The one with the blue hair, I mean.

I didn't realize Yuuko received vampire blood as her price in TRC. That certainly explains Watanuki's recovery. He sort of looks like Fai lying there with all those bandages.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #238 on: September 05 2006, 10:41 pm »
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wait, wait.. how do you know that Yuuko received vampire blood from the twin as payment ?? also, I don't think that's the reason for Watanuki recovery since that will make Watanuki a vampire then , and the fact he wears bandages is because  he's got nothing to do with vampire's blood

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #239 on: September 06 2006, 12:02 am »
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I don't know that Yuuko received vampire blood from Subaru and/or Kamui as payment. I can't find the post but someone else mentioned it earlier. I don't understand the whole vampire blood thing, just that it's supposed to be healing if used a certain way.
I was just noting the parallel between fai being bandaged up in TRC and now Watanuki. I doubt CLAMP would turn Watanuki into a vampire when they already have Fai!Vampire