That's just how Clamp bandages people when they're cut from head to toe, no significance there.
I don't think that Kamui and Subaru gave Yuuko blood to travel. All they said was:
Subaru - I have a request. I would like to have water, enough to fill this underground reservoir.
Yuuko - ...There is a price. The same as when I gave you two the means to cross dimensions as twins.
Subaru - I understand.
I think what it means is that she's just telling him that an equal price must be paid for the water, she's pretty much saying "I don't need to explain myself, right?". It doesn't necessarily mean that they gave her blood.
Kurogane's payment may come into play, as xxxHolic is a few hours ahead of where Tsubasa is right now. I doubt it though. All I have to say is that Clamp is back to being their bloody sadistic selfs, now both Tsubasa and xxxHolic's main characters are being abused. Hopefully the angst stays at bay in xxxHolic.