
Do you think Doumeki/Watanuki will become an official pairing?

It won't happen, only get hinted at.
20 (18.7%)
Are you nuts? Watanuki loves Himawari!
8 (7.5%)
Maybe, it's hard to tell.
14 (13.1%)
Totally! Doumeki so loves Watanuki!
42 (39.3%)
I'm leaning towards yes, but I'm not convinced yet.
23 (21.5%)

Total Members Voted: 100

AuthorTopic: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)  (Read 211973 times)

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Offline beetlebum_101

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #380 on: September 23 2006, 01:39 am »
... oh. (Mori-sempai voice)
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... Doumeki was right, he is an idiot. It was so sad, to see him waiting outside the room, covered with Watanuki's blood, collapsed and sweating (he looked a lot like Fai a few chapters ago). And he is the last person Wata asks for.  :angry:
Anyway, there are a few things: about the finger, is it possible that he can't move because he is not being honest (like the woman of the beginning of the series)? And now Yuuko says that Doumeki and Himawari are customers of the shop, until their wishes are granted... does it mean they have other wishes?
I'm sad, but I don't want to lose the hope.... DouxWata forever!!!

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let's not jump into conclusion first, honestly I was panicked, but after what they told me. I think we should calm down ourselves. First of all, I think Watanuki is trying to comfort Himawari because he knew already her problem. Second he just asked about the bad luck thing... maybe he's concerned. Plus Watanuki doesn't know Doumeki is also paying a price until Yuuko told him. So I'm still having high hopes with DouWata.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #381 on: September 23 2006, 02:33 am »

Post deleted. Please use the spoiler tag system. Your only warning.
« Last Edit: September 23 2006, 09:49 am by Arcademan »
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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #382 on: September 23 2006, 02:47 am »
I'm afraid of what Watanuki would do with his relationship with Doumeki. Being the person he is he can't just keep on accepting Doumeki's sacrifices like this and take it in stride.

Offline beetlebum_101

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #383 on: September 23 2006, 02:49 am »
hi sandra-san! try this type first "spoiler" and then the end of the sentence put "/spoiler" and don't forget to put brackets ^^
hope it helps ^^

Edited for spoiler content.
« Last Edit: September 23 2006, 09:50 am by Arcademan »

Offline beetlebum_101

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #384 on: September 23 2006, 03:40 am »
ladydarkmoon upped the scans. So much from her love ^^


enjoy ^^

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #385 on: September 23 2006, 06:09 am »
its posted on tsubasachronicles, but why bother when you have a scanslation? ^^

Thank you for the scanslation. You did that very quickly.

Offline xxxholic

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #386 on: September 23 2006, 07:05 am »
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this is a good chapter but i'm starting to really really dislike Watanuki. I mean, what the hell? Doumeki has been sacrificing his life for Watanuki, and all Watanuki does is act stupid and rude around him. I guess he's just not being honest. But the fact that Watanuki asked about Doumeki last really pisses me off. All he cared about in this chapter was Himawari, not a bit of Doumeki. So i hope there is some bit of caring for Doumeki next week. I still have hope for DouWata.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #387 on: September 23 2006, 07:27 am »
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this is a good chapter but i'm starting to really really dislike Watanuki. I mean, what the hell? Doumeki has been sacrificing his life for Watanuki, and all Watanuki does is act stupid and rude around him. I guess he's just not being honest. But the fact that Watanuki asked about Doumeki last really pisses me off. All he cared about in this chapter was Himawari, not a bit of Doumeki. So i hope there is some bit of caring for Doumeki next week. I still have hope for DouWata.

Um, sometimes last is good.

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It's more dramatic for him to ask about Doumeki last...it gives time for a longer/better answer or (as will probably happen here) for the answer to be given at a later date.  I suspect that next weeks chapter will be all about Doumeki and his wish/price.

Emotionally, he might be more nervous when asking about Doumeki...in case it shows how worried he is about him.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #388 on: September 23 2006, 08:19 am »
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this is a good chapter but i'm starting to really really dislike Watanuki. I mean, what the hell? Doumeki has been sacrificing his life for Watanuki, and all Watanuki does is act stupid and rude around him. I guess he's just not being honest. But the fact that Watanuki asked about Doumeki last really pisses me off. All he cared about in this chapter was Himawari, not a bit of Doumeki. So i hope there is some bit of caring for Doumeki next week. I still have hope for DouWata.
Um, sometimes last is good.

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It's more dramatic for him to ask about Doumeki last...it gives time for a longer/better answer or (as will probably happen here) for the answer to be given at a later date.  I suspect that next weeks chapter will be all about Doumeki and his wish/price.

Emotionally, he might be more nervous when asking about Doumeki...in case it shows how worried he is about him.

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thats right. imean, here he just spent the past 5-10 minutes hearing himiwari's awful secret, and he didnt wnt her to be sad about it or to worry to much about him. THEN he heard about doumeki, jsut as he was falling alseep. he's just too nice for his own good. im lso betting ch 120 will be a doumeki-watanuki (is the fanbase really called DONUTS? O_o) centric chapter. also, relize doumeki is ALSO weak. he just gave prolly 1-2 pints of his blood, MAGICALY even. both boy's need their rest. THEN we'll get the doumeki-watanui angst we've been deaming of  ^_^
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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #389 on: September 23 2006, 08:55 am »
Waa, the shonen ai is wore out in both series! Can't get in tsubasa for Fai's sleeping, now this!

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #390 on: September 23 2006, 09:31 am »
Um, sometimes last is good.

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It's more dramatic for him to ask about Doumeki last...it gives time for a longer/better answer or (as will probably happen here) for the answer to be given at a later date. I suspect that next weeks chapter will be all about Doumeki and his wish/price.

Emotionally, he might be more nervous when asking about Doumeki...in case it shows how worried he is about him.

That makes sense.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #391 on: September 23 2006, 09:41 am »
hmmm....from all of this I dunno whether xxxHolic will come to the end or not, and if Watanuki still wanna be with Himawari then this story can still go on, and I assume this end together with TRC..? btw, who's again the main character in this series..?is it watanuki or Yuuko...?

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my....that's a really bloody payment, DOumeki--->give blood, Himawari-->got scars (and hideous one too), no wonder she doesn't want Watanuki to know that, coz it will make Watanuki thinks " What have I done to the back of this lovely girl..?", well not that it's his fault in the first place, he falls because of her and Himawari just take responsibility...I think...and just wondering how they do the blood transfer for watanuki from Doumeki, since they are not in the hospital, and I think Yuuko just did it magically :tongue:

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #392 on: September 23 2006, 10:43 am »
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I've seen several translations of what was said.  Evidently the japanese fan sites were saying how Watanuki was saying friendship type stuff with Himawari.  Now some I've seen are saying how he likes her the most and whatnot...but several others put it squarely in the "I like you alot and your friendship makes me happy and I don't want you to go away" category.

   I'm rather inclined to believe the latter.  For one thing, Himawari doesn't react to him as if he gave her the "I'm in love with you" speech.  She's happy he still wants to be friends but also still happily and contentedly walks away from him. While she cries because she is happy to have him as a friend...her walking away from Yuuko's is not the actions for somebody who was told "I love you."

  Besides, if just being friends with her is dangerous...think what being romantically involved would cause?

  Anyway...I did notice the (coincidence?) timing of Watanuki and Doumeki falling asleep at the same time.   Oh...the possibilities!  *rubs hands in fan girl glee*

  Anywho....I can't wait til the next chapter comes out

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #393 on: September 23 2006, 10:56 am »
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  Anyway...I did notice the (coincidence?) timing of Watanuki and Doumeki falling asleep at the same time.   Oh...the possibilities!  *rubs hands in fan girl glee*

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Yes, that reminds me of a fanfic I read on Fanfiction.net and it's also posted on the Deep Connection livejournal community. I can't remember the title right now but it dealt with Doumeki seeing his grandfather in his dream because of sharing his eye with Watanuki. I don't think that's going to happen here but it certainly is interesting with them both being in Yuuko's house.

So the vampire blood theory was way off. I'm glad. But it's such a puzzle about how involved Syaoran is in all the events. How much does he really know about Yuuko and Clows plans?

Did anyone else notice Yuuko's butterflies fluttering around and shielding Watanuki while he was talking with Himawari?

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #394 on: September 23 2006, 11:24 am »
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Yes, that reminds me of a fanfic I read on Fanfiction.net and it's also posted on the Deep Connection livejournal community. I can't remember the title right now but it dealt with Doumeki seeing his grandfather in his dream because of sharing his eye with Watanuki. I don't think that's going to happen here but it certainly is interesting with them both being in Yuuko's house.

So the vampire blood theory was way off. I'm glad. But it's such a puzzle about how involved Syaoran is in all the events. How much does he really know about Yuuko and Clows plans?

Did anyone else notice Yuuko's butterflies fluttering around and shielding Watanuki while he was talking with Himawari?

Well, Doumeki did say in a chapter that you don't see dreams with your eyes, so he wouldn't be able to see any dreams that Watanuki has.  The butterflies are just a pattern on Yuuko's transparent canopy.

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I wonder if Watanuki will want to thank Syaoran, all he has to do is use Mokona.  That would be interesting.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #395 on: September 23 2006, 11:47 am »
The butterflies are just a pattern on Yuuko's transparent canopy.

Ah, just me trying to see things that aren't there. Oh well.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #396 on: September 23 2006, 02:23 pm »
i thought they were flying around too, actual "spirit" butterflies :-/
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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #397 on: September 25 2006, 12:14 am »
I wish we had an omake about when Doumeki and Watanuki first met. Apparently they got into a big fight. I believe that would answer some of our questions as to why they hated each other at first.

Watanuki hates Doumeki because he doesn't understand him and the stuff he does and it irritates him.

Doumeki? Well we never know his side of the story. I hope they answer some of that in the next chapter.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #398 on: September 25 2006, 10:01 am »
^ I would like one. Or maybe a past sequence. Or flashback.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #399 on: September 25 2006, 10:59 am »
btw, who's again the main character in this series..?is it watanuki or Yuuko...?

I know what you mean. When I was reading Volume 1 I had to keep reminding myself that Watanuki is the character that the manga is about - not Yuuko.