
Do you think Doumeki/Watanuki will become an official pairing?

It won't happen, only get hinted at.
20 (18.7%)
Are you nuts? Watanuki loves Himawari!
8 (7.5%)
Maybe, it's hard to tell.
14 (13.1%)
Totally! Doumeki so loves Watanuki!
42 (39.3%)
I'm leaning towards yes, but I'm not convinced yet.
23 (21.5%)

Total Members Voted: 100

AuthorTopic: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)  (Read 212453 times)

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #540 on: November 02 2006, 11:03 am »
Did anyone else notise, Himawari's started keeping her hair down her back so Watanuki wont see the scars.
I was wondering what was going to happen with the eyes, i thought theyd both be blue with a messed up pupil or something. hasnt anyone at school notised?

Yeah I noticed that too, I wonder if she will always have her hair like that because of the scars..

And the thing about Watanuki's mismatched eyes - other students at his school(and other people too) must have noticed, maybe they think he's wearing a lens or something...
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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #541 on: November 02 2006, 11:49 am »
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Sadly, I'm beginning to think that our favorite 104 pairing in simply not in the works, canon wise.  I hope they do...but I'm beginning to think Clamp isn't going to do it for us. 
  From the splash page with doumeki taking Himawari's hand added to the Zashiki Warashi crush and Watanuki's stubborn refusal even to THANK Doumeki...I'm beginning to get a bit dispirited about things.

  The only thing that really, REALLY gets me is Doumeki's motivation.  Why does he follow watanuki around, protect him, willingly be in dangerous situations, and has repeatedly saved his life? why?

  Himawari, in this case, I get. It was her bad luck that caused the accident.

  Also, what was with Clamp doing the scene where Doumeki saves Watanuki by grabbing his hand and refusing to let go even though he is bleeding?  I can't attest to many clamp anime's or manga's...but so far that I've seen, every time that happens, it is because the people involved love each other.  In one case, Touya hangs onto Yukito because he passed out on a balcony.  In another, Subaru doesn't let go of Fuuma's sister (I can't recall her name) when they almost fall from a tree. I may be wrong, but don't Syoaran and Sakura have a similiar situation in CCS?

  Ah well...

  Beautiful colored pages and soooooo glad to see xxxHolic back because I was having serious withdrawal.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #542 on: November 02 2006, 12:50 pm »
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Sadly, I'm beginning to think that our favorite 104 pairing in simply not in the works, canon wise.  I hope they do...but I'm beginning to think Clamp isn't going to do it for us. 
  From the splash page with doumeki taking Himawari's hand added to the Zashiki Warashi crush and Watanuki's stubborn refusal even to THANK Doumeki...I'm beginning to get a bit dispirited about things.

  The only thing that really, REALLY gets me is Doumeki's motivation.  Why does he follow watanuki around, protect him, willingly be in dangerous situations, and has repeatedly saved his life? why?

  Himawari, in this case, I get. It was her bad luck that caused the accident.

  Also, what was with Clamp doing the scene where Doumeki saves Watanuki by grabbing his hand and refusing to let go even though he is bleeding?  I can't attest to many clamp anime's or manga's...but so far that I've seen, every time that happens, it is because the people involved love each other.  In one case, Touya hangs onto Yukito because he passed out on a balcony.  In another, Subaru doesn't let go of Fuuma's sister (I can't recall her name) when they almost fall from a tree. I may be wrong, but don't Syoaran and Sakura have a similiar situation in CCS?

  Ah well...

  Beautiful colored pages and soooooo glad to see xxxHolic back because I was having serious withdrawal.

Hmm, well, I'm still convinced something will happen with W/D. I mean, CLAMP's done so much with it; you can't say that all the subtext and such they've stuck in is coincidental. It would be dumb beyond belief for CLAMP to have built up the relationship and then let it go.  And Watanuki shows absolutely no romantic interest in Zashiki Warashi. But it's pretty clear that Watanuki is in complete denial about his feelings for Doumeki- his behavior screams it. But it -is- annoying that Watanuki doesn't even thank Doumeki.  And I think you meant Kamui, not Subaru, and yeah, that happened. ^^
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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #543 on: November 02 2006, 01:16 pm »
Maybe Watanuki will thank Doumeki when they get a chance to be alone together?

You know, maybe the D/W thing may just be one sided.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #544 on: November 02 2006, 03:21 pm »
theres probably a syao-sakur incedent tahtas similar, but the closest thing i can think of is when they wre trapped in the elevator and eriol made half of it disapear causing sakura to fall in to the casm

as for people nocing watanuki's eye...he DID wear an eye  patch for several weeks, so perhaps their writing off watanuki;s mismatched eyes as a result of said injury?
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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #545 on: November 02 2006, 04:48 pm »
so perhaps their writing off watanuki;s mismatched eyes as a result of said injury?
Good point, I never thought of that

:P Watanuki has wored up his annoyance with doumeki that now he simply cant admit to getting along with him, except when he was dreaming once.
You know how when you argue a point and make a big deal about it then u find out later you were wrong but youre sure as hell not gonna let anyone else know ^^ same kinda thing

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #546 on: November 02 2006, 11:21 pm »
Another note with the eye issue is that depending on the color page, people's eye colors often get swapped around. And that is from official artwork, not fan art.

   I've seen both of watanuki's eyes be grey, in one drawing he had a patch and the uncovered eye that shows is the gold/amber color, on the cover art of volume two he has a reddish gold color, and on the cover art of volume 5 he has a light green eye color.  I've also seen the blue everything from a dark, dark blue to an ice blue to an aqua color.

  Yuuko's eyes have been primarily red, but in oine shot they are a lavendar color. There's onw with her and clow that has her eyes a light yellow color. In volume 1 (cover art) Yuuko has golden eyes.  On the cover art of volume three she has grey eyes, and I've seen an almost brown color in some pics.

  The amazing color changing eyes of Watanuki and Yuuko!  *lol*  By now, his classmates have got to be used to it. =P

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #547 on: November 03 2006, 12:09 am »
^ i noticed that too!
but,i have one question...
when i d/l at bwys until volume 8,the first chapter is 47!
but,in msngroups,volume 8 of the first chapter is 85!!
which is true!?i confused now!! >_<
please tell me!!

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #548 on: November 03 2006, 12:12 am »
I think that some of the images produced have been stylistic.  The colours are changed to match a theme.  The colour images that actually are part of the manga are the real colours.

CLAMP do it quite often.   There are some To-babi images with the wrong eye/hair colours (in order to match the colour scheme).  The X artbooks also have some 'incorrectly' coloured pictures.

Takeuchi Naoko did it a lot with Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon images, too.  There are absolutely tonnes of images with the 'wrong' hair/eye colours.  Of course, there are also a lot of images with 'realistic' hair/eye colours (which seem more of a realism choice rather than a stylistic choice).

As for the lack of DouWata...I think it's a delayed reaction.  When
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Fay used his magic in chapter 106 we were all expecting Kurogane to confront him on it.  That didn't happen till chapter 112.
  I think it will happen, but CLAMP will get everything else out of the way first so that when it DOES happen, they can focus on it.

Put it this way, would you rather have a quick embarrased thank you in front of Himawari-chan or would you rather have a private, serious thank you when Doumeki is walking him home from school/Yuuko's (or similar scenario)?  I vote for option number two.

All that subtext can't be for nothing.  We just have to be patient.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #549 on: November 03 2006, 12:57 am »
We need to keep in mind that this chapter isn't over (at least I don't think so, can't know for sure until next week).  When the series is pubished in book form the chapters are compressed, so until there's another title page the first chapter of volume 11 hasn't been completed yet.  Holic chapters are actually quite long in comparison to Tsubasa.  Volume 9 had 12 chapters serialized but only had 7 in the tankoubon.  Did that make sense?

Just because he hasn't thanked him, doesn't mean he won't. 

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #550 on: November 03 2006, 01:08 am »
Well, the eye thing. Remember when Watanuki lost his eyesight and he shared with Doumeki? I think the eye will "activate" when he saw a spirit or strange creature so that he and Doumeki can see it. Thats my opinion though.

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As for the latest chapter, well I don't know what to say. I'm not that very happy at first. Because I was expecting more of DW moment. But on the other hand there are trying the "aftermath" of this event.

But if you read carefully, somehow Watanuki notices Doumeki in some way. Read it carefully, and Doumeki gave us dry humor in their. The reason why these two can't compliment because Watanuki is the type of person that he wants hear out your opinion hence Doumeki is a silent type and he wants to think first before he tells it.
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when Doumeki strared at him, Watanuki asked why then Doumeki replied nothing and he went mad again.
You see my point  :XD:

Anyhow, as much as I love the 104, I'm still hoping for it. because every Clamp homo pairings took it slowly; CCS, TRC, TB etc.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #551 on: November 03 2006, 04:07 am »
^ i noticed that too!
but,i have one question...
when i d/l at bwys until volume 8,the first chapter is 47!
but,in msngroups,volume 8 of the first chapter is 85!!
which is true!?i confused now!! >_<
please tell me!!

both are correct. the ones on BWYS are numbered by the splash pages, which WOULD be a proper chapter, but the ones on msn are nubmerd via the relases, which each weak half a chapter is released. (14 pages vs 28)
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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #552 on: November 04 2006, 12:15 am »
Theory time!

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Okay so Ame Warashi said that Watanuki is a rare person right? Back in the spider lady arc Watanuki's eye had the ability to magnify a person's magic several times over. That was simply the eye.

So what about his blood or whole body? Fei Wong might want to possess Watanuki's body since he is such a power-whore, besides the fact the Wata's body is young.

Come to think about it he could've set Watanuki up from the start by destroying his spirit. His parents death which some assume is Fei Wong's fault caused Watanuki to be anti-social; Himawari was back then the only one he could consider a friend but she's bad luck for him; Doumeki being one of the few who had the ability to protect him, he hated.

So he was basically screwed until Yuuko came along. This is where I think the sealing earring on Mokona comes into play, it protects Watanuki from Fei Wong's interference.

Oh yeah and on a side note I think I now know why R!Syaoran gave Watanuki a pissed off look. It was because of his eye! XD Although the real reason why he was pissed off at that in particular is anybody's guess.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #553 on: November 04 2006, 05:13 am »
intersting theory...but what ABOUT his eye? O_o
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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #554 on: November 04 2006, 05:23 am »
intersting theory...but what ABOUT his eye? O_o

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Well either:
-R!Syaoran was upset that Watanuki got hurt or let himself get hurt thus losing his right eye
-R!Syaoran doesn't like the idea that Watanuki is sharing his sight with someone else
-R!Syaoran is jealous
-or some other reason I don't know

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #555 on: November 04 2006, 06:39 am »
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Well either:
-R!Syaoran was upset that Watanuki got hurt or let himself get hurt thus losing his right eye
-R!Syaoran doesn't like the idea that Watanuki is sharing his sight with someone else
-R!Syaoran is jealous
-or some other reason I don't know

If R!Syaoran is anything like CCS Syoaran then I could definitely see the jealousy thing. ^^;;  Reminds me of that little Yukito delima.  I still think there's something more to the whole connection between them, though.

And I like your theory from above.  Got me thinking and wishing for more xxxHolic so we could get more answers ><

Going away from the recent chapter for a moment, I wonder if someone could help me here.  Back in volume 2 when Watanuki had to go retrieve the Mokonas, why was it that Maru and Moro being souless prevented them from taking them out?

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #556 on: November 04 2006, 07:32 am »
^Well Yuuko did also that if Watanuki was 'the one' he'd be able to release the Mokonas. Oh and since Maru and  Moro are magical creatures, depending on how they were created, their range of influence is limited.

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #557 on: November 04 2006, 08:13 am »
^Well Yuuko did also that if Watanuki was 'the one' he'd be able to release the Mokonas. Oh and since Maru and Moro are magical creatures, depending on how they were created, their range of influence is limited.

She did?
Bleh.  My translations are always off.

Thanks ^^

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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be pre
« Reply #558 on: November 05 2006, 09:56 pm »
sorry it took so long, chapyter posted on msn
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Re: XXXHOLiC Manga Discussion (Spoilers may be present!)
« Reply #559 on: November 06 2006, 12:36 am »
When do the chapters usually come out? Monday?
Because if it is then there should be some spoiler going around already...or not