CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 11: Oekaki Mokona

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XD!!! this is my favorite episode now!!

so KAWAII and HILARIOUS!!!! ^_^

i couldnt stop laughing at the Kurogane/Godzilla part. XD

"BEAM!" was the best part, lol. Kurozilla has stolen my heart.

Does anyone know what Fai was saying when he was talking really fast and then took off, lol?

OMFG!  This episode was so CUTE!  I'm actually saying something GOOD about the ANIME!  That's the first time since the first episode of this season, I think.

It is also very iconable!  I was watching it and I actually had to pause 30 seconds into the episode to make screencaps of one scene!

Show contentChibiSeishirou!  There's a chibi Seishirou in the classroom!  *squee*
And Kurozilla was crack!  I think this episode is going to make me laugh hard enough to make me fall out of my chair when it's subbed.  And we had Horitsuba High!  That is one filler I wouldn't mind them making.  I LOVE the concept of Horitsuba High!  (especially since it's semi-canon, what with Clamp drawn images to back it up!).

Suffice to say, I spent most of the RAW squeeing at the screen and planning icons!
Show contentThey had their original outfits back.  *frown*  They lost their original outfits in the first Sharano (for Sakura and Syaoran) and Shurano (for Fay and Kurogane, although it was also the first Sharano in the manga).  Fay and Kurogane should be wearing their Yasha clan outfits and Sakura and Syaoran should be wearing the outfits Ashura-ou gave them.  Even if they didn't go straight to this world they should NOT be wearing their original outfits.  They haven't worn them since Shurano/Sharano in the manga and Yuuko has them after she picked them up from said world.  Syaoran-tachi hasn't claimed them back yet.  Beetrain couldn't have had a perfect episode though, it would upset the balance of the universe!  I suppose something had to give!
recent manga spoilers
Show content I agree that it's slightly heartbreaking to watch Fay being so happy when we know what will happen in Tokyo (even if Beetrain doesn't animate the arc right).  It's even more heartbreaking to see him being so nice and helpful to Syaoran.
Animated Icon:  Warning, Kuro/Fayness

Why doesn't animated icons work after you hit a spoiler tag?

XD Selenity, your icons- particularly the one you're using right now- mak me happy.
I think that Bee Train made this episode to cheer us all up though, considering the current manga events. As much as I dislike Bee Train, I have to say, it was a very nice (and successful) thought.
*snerk* Can I have some lemon tea now?


--- Quote from: Jenx on July 10 2006, 05:38 am ---XD Selenity, your icons- particularly the one you're using right now- mak me happy.
I think that Bee Train made this episode to cheer us all up though, considering the current manga events. As much as I dislike Bee Train, I have to say, it was a very nice (and successful) thought.
*snerk* Can I have some lemon tea now?

--- End quote ---

Thank you!  I love your icon too!  It summerises this whole episode in 10 seconds!  Crack is the only word you need for this episode.

I can't wait to see what the Lemon Tea Chronicle's girls do, there are so many good expressions in this episode!

And, yeah, Beetrain got this one mostly right!  for once Except for the plothole.


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