CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 11: Oekaki Mokona

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The best episode I've seen, very very very very funny!! Kurozilla was hilarious!! and Fai'sĀ  speed voice! this chapter remind meĀ  CCS a lot,...

Sakura *kiss,kiss, kiss me Syaoran-kun!!* :inlove:
Syaoran*"I'm sorry Sakura, if I kiss you we'll fly away again"* :sweatdrop:
Sakura*Hmpf!!! you're cowardly!!! what will you do when we get married????* :angry:
Syaoran*eeh?? wow, are we going to be married??* :confused:
Sakura*Waaaaahh...I wanna fly again!!!!* :hmp:
Fai *Whom have I to kiss? I wanna fly too* :D
Kurozilla* Me, me, blondy!!!* :hehe:

 Bad, sorry, I'm tired... :dodge:

Omg that was the best episode of Tsubasa yet!! lol I really loved all those S+S moments. But seriously... Syaoran was about to kiss Sakura? Somehow I found that hard to believe... @_@ I was going CRAZY!~!~! A total S+S moment! And yes, I couldn't help but laugh.... XD I hope Syaoran attempts to kiss Sakura when he's not in chibi mode too!


--- Quote from: Capella on July 10 2006, 07:52 am ---Yes, exactly. "Damn these onigiri! Damn them for tasting good! Why am I eating these damn things, anyway? Dammit." That is so his thought process at that moment. :XD:

--- End quote ---

I felt bad for Kurogane there. He's sitting all alone eating lunch, minding his own business, and he gets swallowed by a black goopy genie. That's like life just slapping you in the face. Maybe that's why he's mad! He probably feels so ostracized.

On another note, KurozillaxMecha!Mokona is now my OTP.Ā  :hehe:

ah man...I just finished watching it...I couldn't help but laugh throught that whole thing!! :XD:

Kurozilla had to be the best thing there  :)

Magical Angel 101:
OH MY GOSH!!!! Show content I nevered laughed so hard! I belive this to one fave epsiodes!! I love how everybody was chibi and how Kurogane got ate by the Mokona sunflower! XD and love Mokona's little romantice tints for Li and Sakura! there so kawaiii!!! and love how Kurogane turned into godizlla or whatever lol I loved the epsiode!


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