CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Newtype Extra Scan + Playing Cards!

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--- Quote from: Sya0ran on July 10 2006, 02:24 pm ---I'm doing them by chapters so...xD They can also be short (2-3 sentences) so take your time on them. lol Thanks so much! <3

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Have you already done any of them???

I've done up to chapter 103 I think.  ^^;;  Oooh!  Yay!  Thanks for posting the playing cards!!  Yay~  *glompage like whoa*  <3

aww, You're welcome! I'll work bvackwords from 121, ok?

thanks for both scans! n___n


--- Quote from: Razeasha on July 11 2006, 11:16 am ---aww, You're welcome! I'll work bvackwords from 121, ok?

--- End quote ---

Ok, do it any way you like!  ^^  Thanks so much!!  <3333333


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