CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Newtype Extra Scan + Playing Cards!

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Awesome!!  Thanks so much!  ^^  With your permission, may I put this up on my upcoming TRC fansite?  =)

thanks for the link! *starts downloading*


--- Quote from: Sya0ran on July 10 2006, 01:29 am ---Awesome!! Thanks so much! ^^ With your permission, may I put this up on my upcoming TRC fansite? =)

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SURE! I'd be flattered! Just don't direct link to my photobucket...I don't know what it'll do to me...
I can scan my playing cards for you too, If you want.

And, you're welcome, kuro-puppy!


--- Quote from: Razeasha on July 10 2006, 01:44 am ---SURE! I'd be flattered! Just don't direct link to my photobucket...I don't know what it'll do to me...
I can scan my playing cards for you too, If you want.

--- End quote ---

Oh, of course not!   I have my own photobucket account so there's no need.  =D  Yay!  How cool!  Wait, you have playing cards?!  :O  Well...if it isn't much trouble then........xDDD  Yes!!  Thanks so much Razeasha-chan!  *glomps*  <3  *puts your name in credits section of TRC site*  *-*


--- Quote from: Sya0ran on July 10 2006, 01:47 am ---Oh, of course not! I have my own photobucket account so there's no need. =D Yay! How cool! Wait, you have playing cards?! :O Well...if it isn't much trouble then........xDDD Yes!! Thanks so much Razeasha-chan! *glomps* <3 *puts your name in credits section of TRC site* *-*

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I'll do it later...I have to log off anf go buy  "el dios de diccionarios" I'll help with your site if you'd like!


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