AuthorTopic: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}  (Read 29596 times)

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POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« on: July 10 2006, 03:23 am »
Ok, here is a place where we can yell out, how much with hate Ms. Swann because of POTC 2 >_>

I watch it last and at the end, I was about to scream my head off. I couldn't beleive that Elizabeth would do that to jack. How could she :cry: poor poor jack *goes off into crying mode*

But, my favorite part of the whole move is when Jack, Will, and the other guy are fighting and Elizabeth was yelling at them to stop, throwing rocks at them, telling them that they are idoits, and faniting. Then the two guys be hind her, steal the box, and she goes running after them, and the guys don't notice. :lol: that was a good part.

Also, how about the part where jack is going to get BQQ, now that was funny :lol: ^_^

Also people. If you would have stayed until the end of the movie, you could have seen a extra part of the movie. It is completey funny. I couldn't stop laughing.

So, what did you huys think about the movie, and Ms. Evil Swann
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #1 on: July 10 2006, 03:33 am »
I was actually kind of disappointed with the movie. Just a personal opinion, but Jack seemed more... silly than charming this time around. It kind of felt like he was being used too much for comic relief. He wasn't  as clever as he was in Curse. And all the jokes were just re-used from the first movie.  :(

That said, I loved Tia Dalma and the whole movie looked gorgeous! They really outdid themselves with the cinematography and locations. The CGI was really well done too, especially on the Kraken.

Norrington totally owned everyone in the movie   :D And everyone cheered at the end (really cool way to end the movie, I gotta say,
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I wrote a whole review about it on my LJ when I got back, lol.

I liked that Elizabeth is getting more independant, but I didn't like the Jack/Elizabeth aspect of it. Just because Jack/Pearl is my OTP.  :hehe:
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #2 on: July 10 2006, 05:35 am »
I love the movie. Jack is more silly. I like him that way. Also, he does act different because well, because they are trying to kill him.

The movie wasw gorgeous. I love the part with the opening of the chest, because that island was amazing.

Me don't like Elizaveth any more. She hurt Jack Sparrow. How could she O_O

Also, you don't need to put spoilers, because of the title of the thread ^_^

But I am kind of happy that Barbossa is alive because he can help them find jack... but how did he not die.

And I can't wait until POTC 3, because of Jack daddy is the guy from the rollling stones
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #3 on: July 10 2006, 05:48 am »
Norrington totally owned everyone in the movie   :D And everyone cheered at the end (really cool way to end the movie, I gotta say,
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Bringing Barbossa back

Norrington was pretty cool is this movie..I like his hair WAY better =D Once you get rid of the "Commador" title, he's pretty awsome eh? My friend kept asking me questions when it got to the part where he goes to talk with that Lord guy. She was like: Is he commador again?! Who's that?! Why does he suddenly have that wig!? I wanted to smack her because it seemed she hadn't been paying attention!

I was yelling at the screen when it ended all suddenly like that...XD But I did like how they
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Brought Barbossa back XD
It was only after I exited the movie theather did I realize that they brought him back  :sweatdrop:

I felt so sad for Jack when they were going to leave the Pearl. You could tell he really loved the boat almost as if it were a real person. And look at what he had to go through to get it back! Poor, poor Jack..
There were some new jokes...I think O_O Most of them were about rum though XD The third one is going to be soo great! They're bringing in a Rolling Stones member to play Jack's dad. His name escapes me right now though.

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #4 on: July 10 2006, 05:52 am »
Keith Richards, wasn't it?

And yeah, Norrington rocked in this movie. Though I've always been pro-Norrington.
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #5 on: July 10 2006, 05:58 am »
Keith Richards, wasn't it?

There we go!! I can't wait to see him act! Apparently Johnny Deep (Woot!) based Jack Sparrow on Keith Richards. I suppose that explains the drunken manner that he always seems to have.

Norrington I like much better in this movie. He has a bit more of a lighter side to him and a bit more comical(sp?). I like that. In the first one he was so strict and everything. Except towards the end, I kinda liked him a bit more towards the end.

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #6 on: July 10 2006, 06:05 am »
I think Barbossa is going to betray them in movie 3. I mean, at first they'll team up, but eventually he'll probably go back to being deliciously evil (*Geoffrey Rush being so incredibly awesome, after all*)

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I read a rumour somewhere that Jack is indeed dead, but that in movie 3 he's going to be around as sort of a ghost, watching as Will and the others try to save him and not being able to do anything about it. Though, yeah, it's a rumour so it's not for sure, of course.

I put the above in spoilers because I don't know if anyone wants to be potentially spoiled for movie 3.

I absolutely loved Davy Jones' voice. He was a cool villain, better than I expected him to be, but he still doesn't touch Geoffrey Rush.

And Tia Dalma was so cool! I loved her. And I'm picky about my female characters.
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #7 on: July 10 2006, 06:14 am »
That's kinda what I thought too. I mean..You can't exactly trust the guy, he was killed..And now..o_O Plus he did throw Jack off the Black Pearl. He is an awsome actor isn't he!? I loved that they brought him back. It would be a waste not to.

Davy Jone's voice is so cool. I also love the specialy effects that went into making him that way. All the tentacles and the lobster claw and such. Wow...Can't beleive they pulled that off. I also liked the idea of how they didn't make the crew members immortal. They still were human..In a..sea creature sort of way. ^_^;

Who did Tia Dalma play again? I can't quite remember..Shoot..

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #8 on: July 10 2006, 06:29 am »
That's kinda what I thought too. I mean..You can't exactly trust the guy, he was killed..And now..o_O Plus he did throw Jack off the Black Pearl. He is an awsome actor isn't he!? I loved that they brought him back. It would be a waste not to.

Davy Jone's voice is so cool. I also love the specialy effects that went into making him that way. All the tentacles and the lobster claw and such. Wow...Can't beleive they pulled that off. I also liked the idea of how they didn't make the crew members immortal. They still were human..In a..sea creature sort of way. ^_^;

Who did Tia Dalma play again? I can't quite remember..Shoot..

Oh, Tia Dalma was the name of the gypsy girl who gave Jack the jar of dirt.
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #9 on: July 10 2006, 06:36 am »
Oh, Tia Dalma was the name of the gypsy girl who gave Jack the jar of dirt.

=O That lady?! I love her! She's an awsome actor, and the jar of dirt was just priceles..XD

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #10 on: July 10 2006, 06:46 am »
=O That lady?! I love her! She's an awsome actor, and the jar of dirt was just priceles..XD
OMG, I love the jar of dirt. It was my favorite part. Jack wouldn't let it go XD

what was the point of it anyway. Was it just to hold the heart?
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #11 on: July 10 2006, 07:40 am »
OMG, I love the jar of dirt. It was my favorite part. Jack wouldn't let it go XD

what was the point of it anyway. Was it just to hold the heart?

I think it's because it's land. She said "you are safe on land, so you need to take the land with you" or something, so if Jack has the pot of dirt, he has some land with him so he can go out to sea.
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #12 on: July 10 2006, 08:44 am »
I loved the movie.  I *did* find the re-using of jokes annoying (CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow, the prostitutes slapping Will, etc but for some reason I didn't mind the re-use of rum jokes)  at first but I quickly got into the movie anyway once Will met up with Jack.

My mom didn't believe me when I told her that Jack was dead, lol.  It's going to be interesting to see how they bring him back from the dead plus they still have to deal with Davy Jones and  that evil dude who now has Davy Jones' heart.

The theatre I was in broke out into mad cheers when Barbossa showed up at the end. As soon as I saw his boots walking down the stairs I knew it was him since there was no one else that it could have been.
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #13 on: July 10 2006, 08:51 am »
Did any of you guys stay until the end of the credits? Because at the end, they have a small little clip. Its so cute & funny. I couldn't stop gigglying.
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #14 on: July 10 2006, 08:59 am »
Yup! I knew from the 1st movie that there will be something at the end. ^^

That was such a great little scene, lol.
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #15 on: July 10 2006, 09:09 am »
Did any of you guys stay until the end of the credits? Because at the end, they have a small little clip. Its so cute & funny. I couldn't stop gigglying.

Yup! I forced my friend to stay 'till the end. I never saw the scene after the first movie until it came out on DVD, so I wasn't about to make the same mistake with the second. Poor dog-san (ehm, why was the dog with the keys with Pintel and Ragetti? Were they in the jail and busted out with him?)

I cheered when Barbossa came back. So did everyone in the theatre. Then again, everyone also cheered at the Transformers teaser trailer... O_O (I just laughed.)
« Last Edit: July 10 2006, 09:24 am by Emiko »
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #16 on: July 10 2006, 01:28 pm »
^ EH?! My dad wouldn't let me stay till the end of the credits..And my friend was grumpy because it was I who dragged her out to the midnight show. Could someone fill me in please?  :sweatdrop:

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #17 on: July 10 2006, 01:29 pm »
^ EH?! My dad wouldn't let me stay till the end of the credits..And my friend was grumpy because it was I who dragged her out to the midnight show. Could someone fill me in please? :sweatdrop:

Basically, it was just the cannibals dancing around the fire, and it pans over to see the dog that they chased off earlier in the movie sitting on Jack's throne, all decked out and ready to be eaten! It was pretty short, maybe 20 seconds or so.
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #18 on: July 10 2006, 01:32 pm »
Ahh!! I remember that part...I came home and lay in bed wondering what ever happened to the dog.. :sweatdrop: I came to a conclusion that he was either eaten or was still being chased around the island. XD That thing is so cute, I didn't want it to be eaten >.<

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #19 on: July 10 2006, 02:06 pm »
Yeah I was wondering what happened to the dog.  I loved it that they made the dog chief of the village, lol.
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