AuthorTopic: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}  (Read 29556 times)

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #20 on: July 11 2006, 05:20 am »
Lol. I just saw the movie on the opening day. I LOVED IT. Me and my best friend went to see it and we couldn't stop laughing. Hehe.. I just hated the way it ended. I thought it was just gonna keep going cause I don't think I was paying attention to the time and it went off. I was like OMG now we have to wait for like forever for the 3rd one. *sigh*

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #21 on: July 11 2006, 05:25 am »
Ahh!! I remember that part...I came home and lay in bed wondering what ever happened to the dog.. :sweatdrop: I came to a conclusion that he was either eaten or was still being chased around the island. XD That thing is so cute, I didn't want it to be eaten >.<
Well so far, the dog isn't eaten. He is just sitting down on the chair, like he is the kill of the world.....:lol:poor doggy

Lol. I just saw the movie on the opening day. I LOVED IT. Me and my best friend went to see it and we couldn't stop laughing. Hehe.. I just hated the way it ended. I thought it was just gonna keep going cause I don't think I was paying attention to the time and it went off. I was like OMG now we have to wait for like forever for the 3rd one. *sigh*
I think I wil die, before the next one comes out.  I couldn't talk or anything. I was like....thats the end O_O when it came to the stairs, I thought it will be jack, but it wasn't :(

I went on the second day. I made sure I was an hour early. (I'm like that), so I was first in line. I got the back middle, my favorite spot ^_^
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #22 on: July 11 2006, 05:30 am »
I'm sure Jack will still have a large role to play in 3. Disney's not dumb, they know that Jack's their biggest selling point. :wink:
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #23 on: July 11 2006, 05:34 am »
I'm sure Jack will still have a large role to play in 3. Disney's not dumb, they know that Jack's their biggest selling point. :wink:
OMG yeah. They made sure, when making the second movie, that JD will play in both movies. If not, they weren't going to flim it. POTC is nothing with out Jack.

In POTC III I think we will be able to see the "death" side of the ocean, where people who died in the sea are there. "The ends of the earth", the girl said. And I bet that is what it is.

OMG, I can't wait. Does any one know, the date when it comes out?
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #24 on: July 11 2006, 05:42 am »
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End is out May 25th, 2007.  This was the first thing I said after watching it, "we have a year's wait until the next one!" lol

Jack I think will be back fairly quickly in the next one.  Even if they take a while getting him back to life, they could show him in the dead place.

Also I've heard that Johnny Depp has expressed an interest in doing more Pirates movies.  Nothing is confirmed yet but it's possible we'll see more than just the three movies.
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #25 on: July 11 2006, 05:48 am »
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End is out May 25th, 2007. This was the first thing I said after watching it, "we have a year's wait until the next one!" lol
Thats great. Only a year. I thought it would be like...2 years or more >.<
Jack I think will be back fairly quickly in the next one. Even if they take a while getting him back to life, they could show him in the dead place.
Yeah that is what I think. Also, jack father is going to be in this movie (the guy from rolling stones), and we should be able to get to know more of jack secerts. Because, we only know some things about he stoled his soal for the Black Peal, but why. What happen to him before that. I can't wait *goes into crazy mode*
Also I've heard that Johnny Depp has expressed an interest in doing more Pirates movies. Nothing is confirmed yet but it's possible we'll see more than just the three movies.
Yeah. JD doesn't do sequels to the movies he does. Most people reck the movies. They change the story around, and make it bad, which runs the first one. So, that is why JD doesn't to the sequels, unless it going to be great. And guess what, POTC is great. I love how they use old jokes, and stuff from the first movie. Its like the other half of the movie. And that is how I think he should be.  More POTC movies, aaahhhhh i can't wait.
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #26 on: July 11 2006, 06:14 am »
I do hope Jack isn't dead =( I'd start crying if that happened.

Also I've heard that Johnny Depp has expressed an interest in doing more Pirates movies. Nothing is confirmed yet but it's possible we'll see more than just the three movies.

He has. Johnny Depp said that he wouldn't mind doing POTC's 4.5.6 as long as the script it good. He says that after 3, if there wasn't anymore after that, he would go into deep depression ^^; If it happens that there is no POTC 4, 5 etc, he also said he'd keep the costume and play the role at home with his kids XDD I hope there are more POTC movies...I just can't wait for the third one to come out!! >.<

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #27 on: July 11 2006, 06:16 am »
He has. Johnny Depp said that he wouldn't mind doing POTC's 4.5.6 as long as the script it good. He says that after 3, if there wasn't anymore after that, he would go into deep depression ^^; If it happens that there is no POTC 4, 5 etc, he also said he'd keep the costume and play the role at home with his kids XDD I hope there are more POTC movies...I just can't wait for the third one to come out!! >.<
I wish I was his kid. Like come on. I bet they got to go to the set and everything...lucky kids >_>

But yeah. JD, will not do another POTC movie, if the strip wasn't good. So if he doesn't do it, then we know that he is saving us from the wrost POTC movie ever.
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #28 on: July 11 2006, 09:05 am »
I'm actually kinda glad that Depp won't do it if the script isn't good.  A lot of actors would do it anyway for the money and often it ends up sucking, which has an effect on the entire series.
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #29 on: July 11 2006, 12:24 pm »
I'm actually kinda glad that Depp won't do it if the script isn't good. A lot of actors would do it anyway for the money and often it ends up sucking, which has an effect on the entire series.

I agree. Some actors would do that just for the money. Thank goodness JD isn't like that eh? ^_^
Some news on the 3rd POTC movie!! There will be another character joining the crew!

Yun-Fat Chow .... Captain Sao Feng

Not sure if  the actor will actualy be playing a major part in the movie, but at least a new character will be introduced ^_^ I looked them up, and apparently, they were in the second movie o_O; A typo? I never saw any other ships in there besides that one that Jack's hat landed on, and that other one Elizabeth stowed away on.

Here's the news thing:

Chow Yun-Fat

Hard Boiled Hong Kong action star Chow Yun-Fat is to put in an appearance in the sequel to Pirates of the Caribbean as the famous 19th century Chinese pirate Cheung Po Tsai.

I don't think I saw any of that actor in POTC...DId anyone else?

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #30 on: July 11 2006, 12:31 pm »
Because, we only know some things about he stoled his soal for the Black Peal, but why.

Jack sold his soul for the Pearl because he loves that ship more than anything! His ship represents his freedom, and there's nothing that Jack craves more than freedom. More than any woman, I think, he loves the Pearl and what she means to him (remember that speech on the beach in Curse of the Black Pearl? 'What the Black Pearl really is... is freedom')

Thats why it was so heartbreaking when he let the Kraken take the Pearl, and he was sort of running his hands over the wood before Elizabeth started talking to him.
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #31 on: July 11 2006, 01:05 pm »
I found the lost of the Black Pearl more heartbreaking then Jack's death because the Pearl means so much to him and I knew somehow Jack would be back.

Chow Yun-Fat is going to be in the 3rd movie? SWEET!  He's a great actor.
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #32 on: July 11 2006, 01:42 pm »
Yun-Fat Chow .... Captain Sao Feng

Not sure if the actor will actualy be playing a major part in the movie, but at least a new character will be introduced ^_^ I looked them up, and apparently, they were in the second movie o_O; A typo? I never saw any other ships in there besides that one that Jack's hat landed on, and that other one Elizabeth stowed away on.

I don't think I saw any of that actor in POTC...DId anyone else?

There was a Cantonese man but Yun-Fat Chow never appeared in the movie.   Check with IMDB because that site gives the most accurate list right after the movie is out (but never before because it can be altered by just about anyone).    ^_^

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #33 on: July 11 2006, 02:02 pm »
Okay I have a question cause me and my best friend were talking about it after the movie. So anyways, did Elizabeth actually lock Jack to the ship when it was about to go down? Cause I didn't notice it but my friend was telling me that she did. I was like o_0

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #34 on: July 11 2006, 02:25 pm »
Okay I have a question cause me and my best friend were talking about it after the movie. So anyways, did Elizabeth actually lock Jack to the ship when it was about to go down? Cause I didn't notice it but my friend was telling me that she did. I was like o_0

Sadly, yes. Elizabeth did lock Jack to the Pearl. She played with poor Jack's feelings  :cry: And in the process made Will think that she did that on purpose.

Check with IMDB because that site gives the most accurate list right after the movie is out (but never before because it can be altered by just about anyone).    ^_^

Ahhh!! Arigatou! I'll be sure to check that site out later.

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #35 on: July 12 2006, 02:31 pm »
Sadly, yes. Elizabeth did lock Jack to the Pearl. She played with poor Jack's feelings :cry: And in the process made Will think that she did that on purpose.

Ahhh!! Arigatou! I'll be sure to check that site out later.

OMG she did? Well I'm going to see it again tomorrow. So maybe I'll pay more attention at that part. But I don't get why she locked him to it though...

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #36 on: July 12 2006, 02:56 pm »
OMG she did? Well I'm going to see it again tomorrow. So maybe I'll pay more attention at that part. But I don't get why she locked him to it though...

She knew that the Kraken was after Jack and that if he stayed with the Black Pearl the Kraken would go after it instead of going after them who were trying to escape.
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #37 on: July 30 2006, 04:40 am »
how could she do that? after having some sort of feelings about him... 
poor Jack..

btw.. does anyone know how is Barbosa still alive?? didn't Jack kill himat the end of PotC 1?

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #38 on: July 30 2006, 05:25 am »
there was an extra part in thye movie awwww darn i missed it.

i didn't what ms. swan did to jack that was too mean ;_;. and now hes dead (not for long though (i think))

i liked that part when Will, Jack and Loringten (i think i spelled it right) that was my favourite part i laughed so much my brother told me to shut up and watch the movie and i didn't listen XD

the end was kool thought. me and my were like "WTF!? I THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD"

now i'm waiting for part three. the title even sounds kool

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #39 on: July 30 2006, 06:07 am » <---- take a look

it's not mine and i didn't draw it ^^, i've just saw this randomly and thought it was good

*ppplease note: i didn't draw this, i don't know who drew it either
by me.