AuthorTopic: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}  (Read 29527 times)

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #40 on: July 30 2006, 01:59 pm »
how could she do that? after having some sort of feelings about him... 
poor Jack..

btw.. does anyone know how is Barbosa still alive?? didn't Jack kill himat the end of PotC 1?

She didn't have any feelings for Jack.  The kiss was just to distract him so he wouldn't notice she was handcuffing him. ^_~

Barbosa was dead but he was brought back to life.  The details on just how that happened will be given in the next movie since I imagine Jack will be brought back the same way. ^^
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #41 on: July 30 2006, 02:53 pm »
She didn't have any feelings for Jack. The kiss was just to distract him so he wouldn't notice she was handcuffing him. ^_~

Barbosa was dead but he was brought back to life. The details on just how that happened will be given in the next movie since I imagine Jack will be brought back the same way. ^^
She does have feelings for jack. but she will love will only because they were to get married and the life they had with each other. She doesn't like jack for what he does but also at the same time she loves jack for who he is. I don't know how to explain it, Fai is much better at explaining this. lol :sweatdrop:

Well Barbosa coming back. We will learn about it in the third movie. Maybe he came back from the ends of the earth. so he knows the way, lol. I'm just guessing about this. lol
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #42 on: August 01 2006, 09:38 pm »
my brother popped up with the theory that since Jack had fired the last shot before Will puts back the coins so it didn't really kill Barbosa but just sorta stunned him..

i really don't know what to say..

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #43 on: August 01 2006, 10:35 pm »
I don't know if I believe the whole Elizabeth-has-feelings-for-Jack thing. It's just a personal opinion, but I got the impression that what Elizabeth really wanted most was "freedom", and she sees that in Jack. Jack means freedom to her.

And also, I don't want another Disney love triangle *hates Disney love triangles*.
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #44 on: August 02 2006, 12:04 am »
Hey, did anyone notice that Tia had the same necklace as Davy Jones? The one that plays the little tune. (Sorry if someone's already mentioned this...)

I'm wondering if perhaps she was the one Davy Jones loved...or maybe she traded it with someone.

Ahhhh...le mysteries of PotC....

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #45 on: August 03 2006, 02:47 pm »
Hey, did anyone notice that Tia had the same necklace as Davy Jones? The one that plays the little tune. (Sorry if someone's already mentioned this...)

I'm wondering if perhaps she was the one Davy Jones loved...or maybe she traded it with someone.

^ Really? I never caught that; I really have to watch the movie agian  :sweatdrop:

That's a really good theory, never occured to me. They're going to explain more of it in the third movie which makes me want to see it even more XD How old is Tia in the movie anyway? They never specified how old the characters were so I'm just wondering.

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #46 on: August 07 2006, 11:34 pm »
well shes gotta be pretty old and seeing how creepy she is. Tia and Davey Jones who look good together.

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #47 on: August 27 2006, 03:53 am »
I like the scene with the big wheel and when will and the others are in a cage.And the Krahken...He's so big.Davy Jones do not show mercy,but I think that deep inside him,he has some feelings.
Yeah the dog is chief of the village,but i think  that they would do the same as they did to Jack,'cause the dog is a god for them...!

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #48 on: August 27 2006, 04:03 am »
Tia Dalma doesn't look so old...

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #49 on: August 27 2006, 04:59 am »
I don't know if I believe the whole Elizabeth-has-feelings-for-Jack thing. It's just a personal opinion, but I got the impression that what Elizabeth really wanted most was "freedom", and she sees that in Jack. Jack means freedom to her.

And also, I don't want another Disney love triangle *hates Disney love triangles*.
That's kind of how I see it. I think she lusts after him to an extent because he represents all that is dangerous and immoral, and she has that fascination with pirates we see in the first movie.

However, while I feel bad for Jack, poor Jack, what about poor Will? He has no idea that she did it to save them all. She was upset and crying. It seems to me like Will saw it, thinks Elizabeth is in love with Jack, and that's why she's crying because they actually don't -know- she chained him up.

I see him as a very noble character. It's obvious that he's crushed at the end, and yet he's STILL so willing to get Jack back, seemingly for Elizabeth, since he goes to address it to her before he's interrupted. *pets him*

As for Tia, I never got the impression that she was old. Ageless, perhaps, but not old. I like her. She's awesome.
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #50 on: August 27 2006, 05:11 am »
Yeah Elizabeth did that to save them.Maybe Will is angry 'cause he don't know why she kissed Jack.I hope that one day she would tell him why she did tha thing...Will shall understand that Elizabeth did it for their lives and not because she's in love with Jack!
« Last Edit: August 31 2006, 01:42 am by marielaure »

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #51 on: August 27 2006, 06:17 am »
It was a bad decision on her part, and even if she did it to save them, the rest of them are loyal to Jack, and may not forgive her for what she did.
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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #52 on: August 27 2006, 06:21 am »
Yeah...Maybe you're right...they will not forgive her...Poor Will and poor Elizabeth...:( :sad5:

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #53 on: August 29 2006, 09:38 am »
Jack is the character who has most freedom, so I don't think he and Elizabeth end up together...he hates chains and he can't chained to anybody!
 when I saw that scene, I was so sad...poor Will...ELIZABETH=$&%/(/&)%)%&·$!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #54 on: August 29 2006, 07:35 pm »
Did you cursed Elizabeth?Hi hi !Maybe she did'nt had to do that to save them all...But she did it!!!Poor Jack ...He's dead now...And poor Will must be jealous...

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #55 on: August 29 2006, 07:58 pm »
Did you cursed Elizabeth?Hi hi !Maybe she did'nt had to do that to save them all...But she did it!!!Poor Jack ...He's dead now...And poor Will must be jealous...
yes, I cursed her!
Jack can't die... :okay: but I can't imagine how he could leave alive...ending of the movie dissapointed me,  :(totally. Jack dead :cry:, Eli%/&% with confused feelings :angry:, Will shocked and Barbosa alive :surprised:....sincerely I knew Barbosa didn't die...if you see credits of POTC 1 until the end you'll see why monkey is inmortal...

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #56 on: August 29 2006, 09:07 pm »
Oh...I didn't see it...

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Re: POTC 1/2/3 Thread {will contain spoilers!}
« Reply #57 on: September 05 2006, 04:05 am »
I've read that the realisator of POTC wanted to do a POTC 4,5and6...It would be so great to see the next adventures of Jack and Will...!

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