General Discussions > Anything goes...
Bringing Attention to a Serious Matter
--- Quote from: Strawberry on July 15 2006, 09:27 pm ---Think about the chains board, it is hidden needing 200+ posts to view it and people can constantly post on the what board to get to the 200+ posts where as I have to wait patiently for interesting topics to post to get up to 200+ posts.
--- End quote ---
That's a pretty good idea. The What Board can be a privilage to those that really contribute. As far as Anything Goes, that's just to let off steam so I have no problem with newbies posting there. Are there any other suggestions? I'm up to hearing anything.
I'm embarrassed for talking about this, and I feel like I really have no say what-so-ever in this mater, but...
I've been here as a guest for about four months reading about the mang and anime discussions for TRC and I've never ever joined a forum before. I've read them, several times I'll just stay an outsider and read them, but I really care about Tsubasa and I wanted to talk with everyone about it, but I was scared. I felt like, well, what I am, a newbie, and that I didn't have a right to talk about anything, and the people who had been here longer had better ideas and better theories and paid attention better to CLAMP etc.
Since I formed kind of an inferiority complex, and since I've never been on a forum in my life, I came here, to the "Anything goes..." boards to see if I could just talk to someone.
I understand now that this is not the place to just talk to people about anything. Its a place to talk about CCS and Tsubasa and there are other forums for talking about yourself or with other people on no particular topic so I will discontinue use of General Discussions. Its probablly better that I go back to watching and reading everyone's responses anyway.
I understand that is not what you want, but I also understand what it is you want. I'll take my plan of action and do my best to help bring the forum's focus to the series.
I'm sorry you left Moezychan, but I can understand why. Even though I haven't been on this forum long, I've been reading and watching for some time now. ^.~
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