General Discussions > The "What" Board

Re: What time is it now?

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--- Quote from: Tatasenko on October 29 2006, 05:56 am ---tonight we shift the clock :okay:!
we enter in the winter schedule,so we have to delay the time from one hour!
for instance when midnight will ring,it will be actually only 11:00 PM!
it is like that in France,but i don't know if it works in the same way in others countries :keke:...

--- End quote ---

In Brazil is like that too ^^

It's Oct. 28
17:28h now

Star Wings:
Oct. 29th- 3:05pm

29th October
12:42 PM

29th October
01:16 PM

thank you for your answer Sabbe-chan and Kazuki,so everybody has got one more hour of sleep  :keke:

29th of October, 8:29 pm


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