General Discussions > The "What" Board

What's the weather like?

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as grey as my Fai's avatar face  :keke:

was another sunny day here :keke:


--- Quote from: Nectar Rain on August 17 2006, 08:00 pm ---was another sunny day here :keke:

--- End quote ---

i should really start thinking of moving of France because since i'm in this forum it is always sunny in your country are still cloudy in mine  :sweatdrop:



--- Quote from: Tatasenko on August 18 2006, 07:34 am ---i should really start thinking of moving of France because since i'm in this forum it is always sunny in your country are still cloudy in mine :sweatdrop:

--- End quote ---

lol! it's always sunny in australia... well, lately it's been pretty sunny.

And yes, it was another sunny day.


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