AuthorTopic: What was your most bravest moment?  (Read 6025 times)

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What was your most bravest moment?
« on: November 20 2006, 06:44 am »
It can be anything from protection someone or going to the hospital.

Here’s mine.

I was in Portland on a field trip for school. It was a 7th-12th grade all girls thing. About 20 girls went, and we only had two older people, the teachers, watching us. The motel we stayed at was in down town Portland, where a party was going on. We had two rooms on the 2nd floor, so the teachers wanted to go swimming which was downstairs, they, along with 16 other students went down, leaving me and three others behind. I was a high school senior, they left three 7th graders behind who also wanted to go swimming, so being the older one around at the time, I walked down to the pool area with them, only to find out you need a key to open the door. So the four of us made it to the lobby room asking for a key, when all of a sudden, a drunk Mexican woman came storming out of the party, yelling things I believed 7th graders should not have heard. She was so crazy, she tried grabbing one of the girls next to her, but I got to her first, pulling the girl behind me, making sure the other two were as well. Then she wanted to fight me, I told her flat out that I’m not a violent person, but if I have to fight, that their would only be one person standing, and I assured her that it would be me. They only reason why I was ever going to fight where to protect these kids behind me. Then, more people started coming out of the party, chanting the fight faze over and over again. I didn’t back down, I just stood my ground, until someone said they all should be going home because the party sucked. I made sure the girls where with me till everyone was gone. Then they made it to the pool area, telling all their friends and the two stupid teachers what had happened, but they didn’t believe them or me.

The next morning, I was waiting outside near the school bus when I noticed a little Korean boy was locked out of the building, he was no younger then 3 or 4, I got the door open for him and found his mother on the third floor. She thanked me and that was all.

Many more things happened on this trip, like saving more people and getting people out of trouble, I found it kind of sad that a 17 year old was more responsible then two adults.

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Re: What was your most bravest moment?
« Reply #1 on: November 25 2006, 06:37 pm »
^ WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! u were really brave for doing that... WELL DONE!!!

my bravest moment wasn't exactly heroic but it was amazing that i managed to do it. i admitted to my "then" crush that i luved him. it was really embarassing but i was actually brave enough to do that.
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Re: What was your most bravest moment?
« Reply #2 on: November 26 2006, 02:09 pm »
Thats being brave, I wouldn't be able to do that. Like I said, your bravest moment can be anything

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Re: What was your most bravest moment?
« Reply #3 on: December 07 2006, 07:34 pm »
keke.. my bravest moment is just plain childish..

picking a fight with almost all of the teachers in my high school days.. i make sure that they'll have doubts of having a talk to me with what i do to them, i provoke them, i don't follow what they say... don't greet them in the hallways, giving them stab looks..

Grade school:
    having a fight with a boy (yeah.. the punching thingy) coz he's annoying me so much... and guess what! i won! XD

<-- one hell of a student.. known as black sheep! XD don't do what i do, okay?

even though i do that to my teachers, me being one of the students who have so many suspensions and detentions in our batch,

i always keep in my mind to catch up to our lessons and everything...

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Re: What was your most bravest moment?
« Reply #4 on: December 07 2006, 09:24 pm »
let's see....

telling a teacher to 'drop dead'

together with my friends turning one teacher's life into a living hell < - - - -one of my favorite memories ^^

the amount of fights i got into is astronomical! XD

crossing a rope bridge above an abyss (i'm afraid of heigths)

and lots more, i used to be quite the troublemaker, hehe ^^
« Last Edit: December 13 2006, 11:02 pm by Kuro-puppy »
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Re: What was your most bravest moment?
« Reply #5 on: December 08 2006, 04:52 am »
Thats brave, dissing teachers like that...don't do it in college if you have to pay for it yourself, kiss butt to most teachers, but to others....

I have a sexist Teacher in college, the other girls and I got together and got him back big time.

He thinks all woman should not have a higher education then middle school and belittles them ruthlessly.

What we did I will not say here, it wasn't to bad, but we did have about 150+ students help us, both men and woman. And we all got away with it...

I plan to be a teacher, I can't wait to introduce kids to anime and manga...

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Re: What was your most bravest moment?
« Reply #6 on: December 08 2006, 03:29 pm »
@ big bro:

that proves that we're really brothers and sisters! XD we make our teacher's life a hell! XD

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Re: What was your most bravest moment?
« Reply #7 on: December 08 2006, 05:05 pm »
Well this one is from a friend, it was brave for him, and funny as heck for me, here it goes...

7th grade when this happened......
Location: Boys restroom...since I'm a girl I was never able to see this fight.
It was a one man vs one man fight, with eight other guys watching the fight, my friend was the look out for the teachers, and blocked the door from anyother guys coming in.
Here's a side note on the door:
The door was a push and pull door, you push to go in, pull to go out, and in between the door made a triange when fully opened, and it stays open like that till someone closes it. Get what I'm saying?

Well as my friend was gaurding the door, someone told the five teachers showed up, pushing the door open with such force, my friend was knocked into that triangle space. While the teachers where getting the other 7 kids in order, my friend stayed silent until the teachers and other school boys left for the office to get the after school treatment.
The door closed
He told me he didn't move for a while, after all he was scared to death of getting caught, then he slid down the wall and sat down laughing a bit, ready to head for class, but the door opened again, it was a teacher. My friend held his legs to his chest as the teacher looked around, looking to see if any kids where left in the restroom. The teacher soon left, the door shut for the last time, and my friend got out of there and rejoined class.

He told me once he got to class, the teacher had yet to return, and being a small school 7th grade had about 13 boys and 20 girls, so 8 missing boys told a lot, what had happened. The teacher came back, and looked at my friend.
Now, I was a modle student, total BS, I just knew how to play the system and get out of it.
She asked him where he had been, my friend lied, and said he was there the whole time. She looked at me, and I lied as well, tell her he was with me, working on a history assinment. A girl everyone knew hated me, what I spoke my mind and called her as I saw her a total bit**,  told her I was lieing. The teacher looked at me and back at the girl, walked to the board and wrote her name down for after school stay as well.

My friend and I got off scott free.

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Re: What was your most bravest moment?
« Reply #8 on: December 13 2006, 11:04 pm »
@ big bro:

that proves that we're really brothers and sisters! XD we make our teacher's life a hell! XD

hahaha, indeed! XD

and i'm darn proud of what i did! *pose*
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Re: What was your most bravest moment?
« Reply #9 on: December 14 2006, 01:30 am »
my bravest moments...
1-when dentist take me away 4 tooth... :sad5:

2-when I faced a teacher(woman) I had who wanted to force me to do stupids works for people I didn't know...I faced her in plenty class...she threatened me to call a psicologist or something that without telling it to my parents.  :angry:
What kind of teacher uses you as she wants??

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Re: What was your most bravest moment?
« Reply #10 on: January 26 2007, 12:57 pm »
Talking back to my junior high principal when she wrongfully accused my brother of calling her an idiot behind her back (it was actually my bad-boy cousin).
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So I`ll bleed forever