General Discussions > The "What" Board

Re: What are you doing right now?

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i'm getting prepared to go to the birthday of my aunt...i don't want to go there but my grandmother obliged me,they are all so hypocrite,i wonder if i will survive  :sweatdrop:

Don't worry, you'll live...I've been through same....-_-

I'm looking for new mangas!

posting here
listening to music

i'm still alive as you can see,hopefully her birthday is only one time by year (and it's still too much)  :keke:!

i'm about to go outside to check the new films which have been released in cinema  :wink:

Sailor Yue-chan:

--- Quote from: Tatasenko on October 12 2006, 03:26 am ---i'm testing my flying bird in Tales of Phantasia (i was a little fed up to walk needlessly on the map to return to town already visited :tongue:)

--- End quote ---
how IS that game? i just found my GBA which was missing for over a ear and now i wanna rent something from gamefly, and since i dont play "feature games" (IE: tv and movies) theres not much left but DK, mario and sonic XD


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