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What's the last thing you watched?

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Kapamilya Deal or No Deal... while eating.


--- Quote from: .:sightless:. on August 30 2006, 09:36 pm ---Yakitate Japannope.. never mind what i said okay.. :sweatdrop: y'see, that thin hurt my friend... so i'll do everything for that 'thing' to be emotionally hurt (im mean.. don't make me angry!!!) :lol: :laughing4:

--- End quote --- you mind if i really insist to know who is this personĀ  :sweatdrop:?

i watched a detective filmĀ  :okay: (even if i didn't find the culprit)

ummmm The Last Unicorn  boy thats an old cartoon lol


--- Quote from: Heero on August 31 2006, 10:57 am ---How people die.....

--- End quote ---

Why doesn't that surprise me?

Seriously...enough with the negativity and the people dying crap here. You have been forewarned.

Tsubasa Chronicles movie


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