General Discussions > The "What" Board

What made you laugh today?

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  Yuichi (my classmate) posing inside the elevator... and then, the elevator opened and there are lots of people out there.. and Yuichi wa still posing... :XD: :lol:

seeing woofie-chan's reaction when i suddenly came to their house!
chatting with moezy-san!

Watching FMA, and everyone making fun of edward because he is so short *gets shot by ed*

Zettai daijoubu:
a lame joke..

A RED bird can be killed by 2 bullets..
A GREEN bird can be killed by 1 bullet..

So how can a hunter kill a red bird and a green bird with only 2 bullets?

Anwser: he first shot the green bird with the 1st bullet. Upon seeing the red bird shot, the red bird turned GREEN with fright and the hunter shot it with his 2nd bullet.. -.-"

the fact that i have to come my coat out again because of the cold weather while we are in the middle of august   :haha:.......
hum,maybe i should be rather crying about this  :sweatdrop:


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