General Discussions > The "What" Board

What made you laugh today?

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i laughed at Arcademan demented state of mind  :haha:

the reaction of my classmates when they saw my wound.. (y'see you can see the flesh and blood flowing... and it has this yellowish thingy.. :XD: )

OT: i wonder if people will lost their appetite when they eat... umm!!! bacon!!! :lol:


--- Quote from: Tatasenko on August 23 2006, 12:25 am ---i laughed at Arcademan demented state of mind :haha:

--- End quote ---

Glad to put a smile on your face today :)

ishiyaki's siggie image...  :greengrin:

my classmate laughing! when she laughs, you'll laugh too coz of the way she looks...


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