General Discussions > The "What" Board

What made you laugh today?

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Remebering all of the people that belittled me... Last thing I heard most of them lost their jobs. Ah, karma...

the groupchat with Tenkou-san, eme-chan and sayu-chan

  Sayu-chan's reaction when i put AuronxWakka... XD :lol:


--- Quote from: .:sightless:. on August 26 2006, 11:40 pm ---the groupchat with Tenkou-san, eme-chan and sayu-chan

--- End quote ---

That too, and the short conversation of Auron! XD


--- Quote from: .:sightless:. on August 26 2006, 11:40 pm ---the groupchat with Tenkou-san, eme-chan and sayu-chan

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Tenkouken on August 26 2006, 11:44 pm ---That too, and the short conversation of Auron! XD

--- End quote ---

All the same XD

I laughed at the "I am Hawt" fanart. o.o;


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