General Discussions > The "What" Board

What made you laugh today?

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whenever me and my group project gather together, I alwasys laugh like I'm going crazy , coz my friends always make stupid joke and stupid things that can shake my stomach :haha:

Kaze no Shikyo:
well there is really only one person who can make me 'laugh' (if you et what i mean...)
the only problem is i can only talk to her on MSN cause people at school are kind should i say it?
i think that should cover it....

when i saw a AMV about Fai's Hyuu,it was like if he was singing  :haha:

my classmates...
the boy in front of me(A) and the boy who sits behind me (B) in class were argueing bout something and started hitting each other...and then B hit A at a very painful place ( for boys ) ang he OOOWW so loudly...its kinda mean to laugh but I cound't help it...his face was so comical!!! LOL

my classmates


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