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What game did you last play?

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Naruto Clash of Ninja 2

God of War 2

tough game to beat on the highest level. Let's hope GoW 3 is even harder!!!! X3


--- Quote from: Kuro-puppy on August 06 2007, 02:12 am ---God of War 2

tough game to beat on the highest level. Let's hope GoW 3 is even harder!!!! X3

--- End quote ---
good game!

Zleda ocarina of Time ^^ whoooo old game!

Animal Crossing Wild World

(The first time in three months)

Lots of FPSes for me.  I think the last one I played today was Doom Classic (Shores of Hell, Ultra Violence).

Next I'm gonna' play Inferno on Ultra-violence.  That's gonna' be a tough one...


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