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What game did you last play?

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Just finished playing Kingdom Hearts 2. The ending was soo beautiful!! :3

Zelda for my Gamecube 


--- Quote from: Lost on July 26 2007, 06:25 am ---Zelda for my Gamecube 

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*thumbs up* Great choice! XD

Soul Calibur 3 (despite some glaring flaws another excellent game in the Calibur series)


--- Quote from: Kuro-puppy on August 03 2007, 10:57 pm ---*thumbs up* Great choice! XD

Soul Calibur 3 (despite some glaring flaws another excellent game in the Calibur series)

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thats a good game there are some flaws though like you said

my last game was Need For Speed 2 Underground

I'm playing Fullmetal alchemist 2, Final Fantasy X and Naruto Uzumaki chronicles.


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